The Vesper Hymn

Dublin Core


The Vesper Hymn


Brothers! the day declines,

Above the glacier brightens,

And red through Hunkwyl pines

The vesper halo lightens;

From hamlet, rock, and chalet,

Your grateful songs be poured,

Till mountain, lake, and valley,

Re-echo - Praise the Lord.

The sun sleeps in the west;

The stars gleam light and cold,

And bring the hour of rest

To the shepherd and his fold:

Now swell the mountain chorus,

To Him our sires adored,

Whose glorious works before us

Still whisper - Praise the Lord!

And hark! below, aloft

From cliffs that pierce the cloud,

From blue lake calm and soft,

Lulled in its twilight shroud -

Fresh strength our anthem gathers:

From Alp to Alp 'tis poured -

The song that soothed our fathers -

Ye shepherds - Praise the Lord!

Now from forest, flood, and fell,

Let the voice of old and young -

All the strength of Apenzell -

True of heart, and sweet of tongue,

The grateful hymn prolong,

And tune the spirit's cord,

Till yon stars take up our song

Hallelujah to the Lord!


Dr. Beattie


New Series 2:8, p. 32




The following stanzas, from Dr. Beattie's Illustrations of Switzerland, may serve as a specimen of the Vesper Hymn, which is still heard undulating from cliff to cliff, when the sun goes down, and the shepherds of Apenzell accompany his setting with prayer.


Dr. Beattie, “The Vesper Hymn,” Periodical Poets, accessed July 27, 2024,


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