Browse Items (174 total)

The Angel of death was hovering near,A voice had sent, thou couldst not hear,To beckon the friend of my heart away,To the regions of glory - of endless day.He has gone in the morning of youthful pride,Where the high and the humble must all…

You are old, father William, the young man cried, The few locks which are left you are gray; You are hale, father William, a hearty old man, Now tell me the reason, I pray. In the days of my youth, father William replied, I remembered that youth…

My life is like the summer rose, That opens to the morning sky, But ere the shades of evening close, Is scatter'd on the ground to die, Yet on the rose's humble bed, The sweetest dew of night are shed, As if she wept such waste to see, But none shall…

'EARTH to earth, and dust to dust!'Here the evil and the just,Here the youthful and the old,Here the fearful and the bold;Here the matron and the maidIn one silent bed are laid;Here the vassal and the kingSide by side lie withering;Here the sword and…

There is a freshness in the air, A brightness in the sky, As if a new-born sun was there, Just seraph-throned on high; And birds, and flowers, and mountain streams, Rejoicing in his infant beams, Are glad as if the Winter's breath Had never blown…

"My Country, my Country! - O, there is a charmAnd spell, in that sound, which must every heart warm;Let us burn at the line, let us freeze at the pole,Pronounce but the sound, and it thrills through the soul.And where lies the charm in that all…

Thou hast passed away, as the flower that bloom'd In the light of the morning sun; When evening came with its chilly gloom, Like the flower thy course was run. We gazed on thee in the pride of youth, When thy heart was light and gay; And could not…

Adieu to the land of my childhood. adieu!The last sigh of feeling swells fondly to you:Though thy bright sunny hills no longer are near,Though distant, I love thee, thou'lt ever be dear.But I ne'er shall revisit that dear spot again,Where love, joy,…

Oh! tell me not of years that are past, The present let me know; Recall not all that's fled so fast, In life's quick changing flow, Tell me not of the gay wrought scenes, We've known in days of yore, Oh cease to think, they ere have been, Like…

The frost performs its secret ministryUnhelped by any wind. The owlet's cryCome loud - and hark, again! loud as before -The inmates of my cottage all at rest,Have left me to that solitude which suitsAbstruser musings: save that at my sideMy cradled…
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