Browse Items (174 total)

There was heard a song on the chiming sea, A mingled breathing of grief and glee; Man's voice, unbroken by sighs, was there, Filling with triumph the sunny air, Of fresh green lands, and of pastures new, It sang, while the bark through the surges…

Dear native river, I am on thy shore-When 'erst I wander'd in youth's joyous days,And with what rapture, he, who gaz'd before,In after years reviews again thy ways,Thy sweeping elms, each lofty sycamoreIn whose broad shade he stole from Phoebus'…

See a fond mother, and her young ones round, Her soul soft melting with maternal love, Some to her breast she clasps, and others prove By kisses her affection: on the ground Her ready foot affords a rest for one, Another smiling sits upon her…

`Tis Spring and Winter in his iron car,Has wheel'd his progress to the arctic shores,Now Ursus wafts his balmy gales from far,And Sol his warm and bright effulgence poursAnd see, Old Frost, his prison gates unbar;Each captive he to liberty…

"Man giveth up the ghost, and where is he?" Job, c. 14, v. 10. And where is he? not by the side Whose every want he lov'd to tend; Not on those vallies wand'ring wide, Where, sweetly lost, he oft would wend; That form belov'd he marks no…

There is a song - How wildly sweet, we never may forget. It seals along Ere the cold tumult of the world is met; It tells of hearts more gay and forms more fair Than ever crossed us in life's wilderness, And many a form of loveliness is…

My life is like the summer rose, That opens to the morning sky, But ere the shades of evening close, Is scatter'd on the ground to die, Yet on the rose's humble bed, The sweetest dew of night are shed, As if she wept such waste to see, But none shall…

I remember, I remember
The house where I was born,
The little window, where the sun
Came peeping in, at morn;
He never came a wink too soon,
Nor brought too long a day;
But now, I often wish the night
Had borne my breath away!

I remember, I…

Oh let me die in my primal day, While my morning sun with brightness shines, Ere this cold world chase my joys away, Ere the blushing flower of life declines. Oh let me die while life is young, While feelings live and the passions play - While the…

Ye banks, ye vallies, and ye groves,Ye streams that murmur near the spot,When sweetly fled my youthful days,Ye never sure shall be forgot.Though far from you, by fortune tostAround this changing world of sorrow,The thought of scenes long past and…
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