Browse Items (174 total)

Sigh, for pleasure, thou may'st find herIn connubial joys alone'Friends may smile, but there's a kinder,Greets thee with a sweeter tone.On life's billows when thou'rt tossing,Man, the night were dark and drear,Did not thy beams, Oh, woman…

Oh! tell me not of years that are past, The present let me know; Recall not all that's fled so fast, In life's quick changing flow, Tell me not of the gay wrought scenes, We've known in days of yore, Oh cease to think, they ere have been, Like…

Banish grief for hope presages,Happier scenes in life ahead:Bear up still, and pain that rages,Soon will cease, its power be fled.Why should we let drooping sorrowForce the intrusive tear to view;Is there a balm which we can borrow,By opening healing…

'EARTH to earth, and dust to dust!'Here the evil and the just,Here the youthful and the old,Here the fearful and the bold;Here the matron and the maidIn one silent bed are laid;Here the vassal and the kingSide by side lie withering;Here the sword and…

ART thou a Woman? - so am I, and allThat woman can be, I have been, or am;A daughter, sister, consort, mother, widow.Which of these thou art, oh be the friendOf one is what thou canst never be!Look on thyself thy kindred, home, and cry, "Thank God,An…

THE tears I shed must fall, I mourn not for an absent Swain, For thought may past delights recall, And parted lovers meet again. I weep not for the silent dead. Their toils are past, their sorrows o'er, And those they lov'd their steps shall…

OH, tell me what sanative powerThere is for the sorrowing heart:What sunbeam to pierce the dark hourWhen the flick'rings of Fortune depart!KIND friends! oh, they last but a dayWhen our sun of prosperity's highThey sink with its setting away -Are flow…

The liquid chrystal glitters in thine eye,The pearly dew drop quivers on they cheek,Thy snowy bosom heaves the trembling sigh,What can they grief dispel? - Speak, Lady Speak!Thy ivory brow with thought is overcast,Thy dulcet accents tremulously…

Caution to Youth of both sexes. My little dears, who learn to read, Pray early learn to shun That very silly thing indeed Which people call a pun. Read Entick's rules, and 'twill be found How simple an offence It is make the self-same…

WHAT, when the heart is sick with grief,When joys are gone that us'd to be;Soothes us when all looks dark and drear:Lady? it is - Sympathy.WHEN long we've toil'd our bark to steerOf life far, far, from misery;But fail'd, and we were wreck'd on…
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