Browse Items (174 total)

SLY BELZEHUB took all occasionsTo try Job's constancy and patience;He took his honor, took his health;He took his children, took his wealth;His servants, horses, oxen, cows; -But cunning SATAN did not take his Spouse.But Heaven, that brings out good…

Mount, soldier, mount, the gallant steed, --     Seek, seek, the ranks of war: 'Tis better there in death to bleed,     Than drag a tyrant's ear. Strike! strike! nor think the blow unseen That frees the limbs where chains have been. Oh no! each dying…

Ah poor Louise! The live long dayShe roams from cot to castle gay;And still her voice and viol say,Ah maids, beware the woodland way, Think on Louise! Ah, poor Louise! The sun was high,It smirch'd her cheek, it dim'd her eye,The woodland walk was…

Oh, Judith! had our lot been cast In that remote and simple time When, shepherd swains, thy fathers passed From dreary wilds and deserts vast' To Judah's happy clime, - My song upon the mountain rocks, Had echoed oft thy rural charms: And I had…

Caution to Youth of both sexes. My little dears, who learn to read, Pray early learn to shun That very silly thing indeed Which people call a pun. Read Entick's rules, and 'twill be found How simple an offence It is make the self-same…

I remember, I remember
The house where I was born,
The little window, where the sun
Came peeping in, at morn;
He never came a wink too soon,
Nor brought too long a day;
But now, I often wish the night
Had borne my breath away!

I remember, I…

Oh ¡ no we never mention her! her name is never heard;My lips are now forbid to speak, that oncefamiliar word;From sport to sport they hurry me, to banish my regret;And when they win a smile from me, they think that I forget. II. They bid me seek in…

The gondola glides,Like a spirit of night,O'er the slumbering tides,In the calm moonlight: -The star of the northShews her golden eye,But a brighter looks forthFrom you lattice on high!Her taper is out,And the silver beamFloats the maiden about,-…

Mark xiii. 37 - What I say unto you, I say unto all, Watch. Life is a sea. - how fair its face, How smooth its dimpling waters pace, Its canopy how pure But rocks below, and tempests sleep, Insidious, o'er the glassy deep, Nor leave an hour…

Upon the margin of a lake,Along the rocks that rudely break,The thousand rivulets and hills,That oozing from the mountain's browFall trembling to the lake below;A traveller rode in quaint array,A gallant steed of dappled a gray:Close to his side a…
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