Browse Items (174 total)

Adieu to the land of my childhood. adieu!The last sigh of feeling swells fondly to you:Though thy bright sunny hills no longer are near,Though distant, I love thee, thou'lt ever be dear.But I ne'er shall revisit that dear spot again,Where love, joy,…

Sigh, for pleasure, thou may'st find herIn connubial joys alone'Friends may smile, but there's a kinder,Greets thee with a sweeter tone.On life's billows when thou'rt tossing,Man, the night were dark and drear,Did not thy beams, Oh, woman…

OH, tell me what sanative powerThere is for the sorrowing heart:What sunbeam to pierce the dark hourWhen the flick'rings of Fortune depart!KIND friends! oh, they last but a dayWhen our sun of prosperity's highThey sink with its setting away -Are flow…

Oh haste thee, haste thee, the wreath will fade,We have twin'd to deck thy hair;Come, quickly come, too long thou hast staid,For the gay, and the happy are there.We have nam'd thee, Queen of the fairy ring,We wait but to crown thy brow;And wilt thou…

He told me I was fair as morn,Mine eyes were bright as stars of even;In fine, that I was seraph born,Could make his lot an earthly heaven.I lov'd him well albeit I might,Have deem'd his praise as vainly offer'd;I thought him true with fond…

Why rove so oft from clime to clime In search of pleasures driven? Fate has pronounced throughout all time, This world is not a Heaven! Why toil for honour, wealth or fame, Our hearts to dross so given? These, as they pass ONE truth proclaim, This…

I saw thee in thy morning,Of youthful beauty grace and love;When art lent her adorning,The gifts of nature to improve.Thou wast a Queen in splendor,And thine to conquer ev'ry heart;Ah! me how soft and tender,Each thrilling glance thou did'st…

There is a charm, whose powerful spell The vestal's feeling e'en can tell, While thro' her veins a thrill there flies. Whose sweet impression never dies: And, strange to tell, she knows not why A tear should start in either eye. This soft'ning…

WHAT, when the heart is sick with grief,When joys are gone that us'd to be;Soothes us when all looks dark and drear:Lady? it is - Sympathy.WHEN long we've toil'd our bark to steerOf life far, far, from misery;But fail'd, and we were wreck'd on…

I have left my husband I do declare,And have reason for to care --My bread to gain, one child to maintain,If I had the other then I'd count it gain.He is not tall nor very slim.If you see him once you'll know 'tis him. -Benjamin Hobart is his…
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