Browse Items (174 total)

You are old, father William, the young man cried, The few locks which are left you are gray; You are hale, father William, a hearty old man, Now tell me the reason, I pray. In the days of my youth, father William replied, I remembered that youth…

An Enigma, said to have been written by Mr. Canning - which for a length of time baffled the skill of all England to solve."There is a word of plural number,A foe to peace and human slumber.Now any word you chance to take,By adding S, you plural…

Farewell! my dear friend, but I leave you with sorrow,And regret pains my breast that we ever must part;For in youth I look'd forward with hope to the morrow,That should give and bind to me a soul without art.I found thee congenial, my heart hail'd…

Adieu, to my dear native shore,To toss on the boisterous wave;To enjoy my kindred no more,But to weep - the tears of a SLAVE!By the sons of freemen I'm borne,To a land of the free and the brave;From my wife and children I'm torn,To weep - the sad…

Sweet minstrel, take thy harp again,And breathe upon its chords of fire;I claim one warm responsive strainOf holy friendship from thy lyre.No brighter them can poet ask,That fountain of Platonic love:Then sing, for thou art meet the task,Thy draught…

Oh haste thee, haste thee, the wreath will fade,We have twin'd to deck thy hair;Come, quickly come, too long thou hast staid,For the gay, and the happy are there.We have nam'd thee, Queen of the fairy ring,We wait but to crown thy brow;And wilt thou…

There is a crime of blackest die,Which man, on brother man commits;And well this trait of infamy,His dark unfeeling breast befits.It is no foulest homicide,The felon hath a purer heart;Not sacrilege that I deride!Though this would make a demon…

If the following be not merely `Fancy's Sketch,' it is at least to be hoped that the `Palace' of the fair original who sat for the picture, rears its cobwebbed ceilings in some far distant land.Give me one ounce of civit, good apothecary,To sweeten…

Wake, lady, wake, - the midnight moon Sails through the cloudless skies of June; The Stars gaze sweetly on the stream, Which in the brightness of their beam, One sheet of glory lies. The glowworm lends its little light, And all that's beautiful and…

`Tis Spring and Winter in his iron car,Has wheel'd his progress to the arctic shores,Now Ursus wafts his balmy gales from far,And Sol his warm and bright effulgence poursAnd see, Old Frost, his prison gates unbar;Each captive he to liberty…
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