Browse Items (174 total)

O muse, attune my lyre sweet, The moments to beguile; Oh, endite a sonnet meet, To BEAUTY'S placid smile. Care may prey upon the heart, And make it bleed awhile, But, how transient is the smart, When BEAUTY beams a smile. Doom'd in distant climes to…

`Tis done! and the rocks of the mountains are parting,And mortals affrighted shrink back in dismay:The wild beasts that roam from their dens now are starting,And men fly disheartened, alarm'd on their way.They've slain their Preserver, their God and…

Wake, soldier! - wake! - thy war-horse waits,
To bear thee so to the battle back; -
Thou slumbered at a forman's gates; -
Thy dog would break thy bivouac; -
Thy plume is trailing in the dust,
And thy red faulchion gathering rust!


And thus they flit away Earth's lovely things. Where's the snow - the summer's snow - On the lovely lilly flower? Where the hues the sunset shed O'er the rose's crimson hour? Where's the gold - the bright pure gold - O'er the young laburnum…

----- And fierce Oppression in my dream saw -- His victims bound in fetters at his feet: Their eyes bent to the ground - their faces dark, And deeply dyed with ebon, though the sun That branded deep his mark upon their face, Was rising on their land,…

I bid thee to my mystic feast, Each one thou lovest is gathered there;Yet put thou on a mourning robe,And bind the cypress in thy hair. The hail is vast, and cold, and drear;The board with faded flowers is spread,Shadows of beauty flit around,But…

In early youth I nursed a flower, Of sweet perfume and lovely hue, A favorite in my blooming bower, Warmed by the sun, refreshed by shower,Securely there it grew.If gladness filled my youthful breast, More bright its beauties shone; It seemed to…

There is a mystic thread of life, So dearly wreath's with mine alone, That destiny's relentless knife At once must sever both or none. There is a form on which these eyes Have often gazed with fond delight; By day that form their joy supplies, And…

The gondola glides,Like a spirit of night,O'er the slumbering tides,In the calm moonlight: -The star of the northShews her golden eye,But a brighter looks forthFrom you lattice on high!Her taper is out,And the silver beamFloats the maiden about,-…
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