Browse Items (174 total)

Come let me pluck that silver hair Which 'mid thy curling locks I see; The withering type of time or care Hath nothing, sure, to do with thee! Years have not yet impaired the grace That charmed me once, that chains me now! And Envy's self, Love,…

-------- A land of peace, Where yellow fields unspoil'd, and pastures green,Mottled with herds and flocks, who crop secureTheir native herbage, nor have ever known A stranger's stall, smile gladly. See through its tufted alleys to Heaven's roof The…

All are not just because they do no wrong;
But he who will not wrong me when he may,
He is the TRULY JUST I praise not them
Who in their petty dealings pilfer not;
But him who spurns a secret fraud,
Where he might plunder and defy surprize.

DEAR ANGEL of my heart,Dry up those pearly dews,At eve tho' I depart,Think not `twill be for years.Some morn like this, my love,I'll bring thee back thy Knight,Thy plighted faith he'll prove,And seek no more the fight.Deem'st thou our haughty…

Ah poor Louise! The live long dayShe roams from cot to castle gay;And still her voice and viol say,Ah maids, beware the woodland way, Think on Louise! Ah, poor Louise! The sun was high,It smirch'd her cheek, it dim'd her eye,The woodland walk was…

"One evening - `tis an eastern story ---The lilly slept, the bat was flitting,The sun, on clouds of crimson glory,Was like an ancient sultan sitting;The sky was dew, the air was balm,The camels by the tents were grazing,A pilgrim sat beneath a…

Close on the beach, where Ocean's waves Roll wild and furious to the shore, A pining maiden sits and raves, Her sighs commixing with the roar. 'Twas once, ah! once her breast knew joy, And tears scath'd not her blooming cheek; But there are griefs…

An African Prince on his arrival in England being asked what he had given for his watch, answered, "What I would never give again - I gave a fine boy." When avarice enslaves the mind, And selfish views alone bear away, Man turns a savage to his…

Why gaze ye on my hoary hair, Ye children young and gay? Your locks beneath the blast of care, Will bleach as white as they. I had a mother once, like you, Who o'er my pillow hung, Kiss'd from my cheek the briny dew, And taught my faultering…

You are old, father William, the young man cried, The few locks which are left you are gray; You are hale, father William, a hearty old man, Now tell me the reason, I pray. In the days of my youth, father William replied, I remembered that youth…
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