Browse Items (174 total)

Remember Me Yes, dear one, to the envied train Of those around, thy moments pay; But wilt thou never kindly deign To think of him that's far away? Thy form - thine eye - thine angel smile, For weary years I may not see; But wilt thou not, sometimes…

When evening bids the sun to rest retire,Unwearied Either sets her lamps on fire,Lit by one torch, each is supplied in turn,`Till all the candles in the concave burn.The right hawk now with his nocturnal toneWakes up, and all the owls begin to…

No more shall sorrow grave my browWith furrows deep as once she did;No more will I supinely bow,For reason, pace, and all forbid.I gave my heart away to grief,That of the tender melting kind:And e'en I had a fond beliefThat here was pleasure quite…

Far, far above the world I soar,And almost nature lose,Aerial regions to exploreWith this ambitious muse.My tow'ring thoughts with pinions riseUpon the gales of song,Which waft me through the mental skyWith music on my tongue.My muse is all on mystic…

Ask of the rolling spheres that fly In the deep blue skies away, Far as creation's boundary, What sceptre ye obey? And they shall sing in their loudest strain, - On, on - we wear no tyrant's chain. Ask of the winds before whose might The clouds in…

Blest hours of childhood, then and then aloneDance we the revels gay round pleasure's throne.(Thoughts of recluseDear cherished hours how much ye tell,Of all once known and lov'd so well;On memory's page one leaf is there,Bearing a trace of joys that…

Dear native river, I am on thy shore-When 'erst I wander'd in youth's joyous days,And with what rapture, he, who gaz'd before,In after years reviews again thy ways,Thy sweeping elms, each lofty sycamoreIn whose broad shade he stole from Phoebus'…

Dedicated to the Gentlemen who takes so kind and interest in his behalf.Joy kindles by thy vital gale,And breathes true philanthropy;Thus with delight I hailThe dawn of Liberty.The song of Gratitude I oweTo thee from whom these pleasures rise,And…

I have left my husband I do declare,And have reason for to care --My bread to gain, one child to maintain,If I had the other then I'd count it gain.He is not tall nor very slim.If you see him once you'll know 'tis him. -Benjamin Hobart is his…

Chain'd foot to foot and hand to hand, The captives took their way, Goaded along by scourge or brand, Wearied and sad, to the distant strand Where the darkling slave-ship lay. Fearful its hidden dangers were, Where comes no breath of balmy air To…
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