Browse Items (174 total)

Lately, we wander'd sadly where, None watch'd our way, or mark'd our lot; Yet God beheld us, and His care Shielded the child that knew him not. We knew not God, and yet his Name Too often on our lips was found; He spar'd us - yes, the very same That…

Lady! the day of brief enjoyment o'er,We bid adieu, perhaps to meet no more -And, like the summer's soft and dewy sky,Keep that our night of darkness is so nigh[ ] it as sweet to wander here with thee.[ ] in the spell thy presence could decreeWhich…

"One evening - `tis an eastern story ---The lilly slept, the bat was flitting,The sun, on clouds of crimson glory,Was like an ancient sultan sitting;The sky was dew, the air was balm,The camels by the tents were grazing,A pilgrim sat beneath a…

Oh, tell me not that I love too wellThe legends of ancient days to trace;And blame me not when I fondly dwellOn the fabled deeds of the fairy race.When my spirit has mourned over hopes grown cold,How dear have these tales of enchantment been;For it…

As fleeting as the morning cloud,That moves in fearful silence by,As changeful as the hues that shrowdThe summer's evening sky;Shifting with every pulse of air -Just such is life - as false as fair.But it has joys that never fail,As deep, and pure,…

Here's health to the ladies at hame,Here's health to the ladies awa'And wha winna pledge it wi' a' their soulMay they ne'er be smiled on at a'.It's guid to be pretty and fair,It's guid to be smilin' like you;It's guid to be stealin' the gentlemen's…

Women are made; so fate declares,To smoothe our linen and our cares,And `tis but just, for by my troth,They're very apt to ruffle both.

Why rove so oft from clime to clime In search of pleasures driven? Fate has pronounced throughout all time, This world is not a Heaven! Why toil for honour, wealth or fame, Our hearts to dross so given? These, as they pass ONE truth proclaim, This…

Serena, dead? oh no, she sleeps Beneath the massy ground; While the tender mother weeps, And sisters moan around. Serena sleeps in silent rest, Nipp'd with the budding rose; But. oh, she is supremely blest, In sweet and calm repose. Serena sleeps,…

I bid thee to my mystic feast, Each one thou lovest is gathered there;Yet put thou on a mourning robe,And bind the cypress in thy hair. The hail is vast, and cold, and drear;The board with faded flowers is spread,Shadows of beauty flit around,But…
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