Browse Items (174 total)

Hail, the enrapturing Jubilee! Tis fifty years today, Since this great nation was made free From despotism's sway. While music, bells and cannons peal, To hail the festive day, The thoughts within my bosom steal, Of helpless - Africa! Now.…

No children wept o'er thee; No wife mourned thy doom, But strangers have laid thee Within the dark tomb Oh! thine was the sorrow That knoweth no care, That clouds the bright morrow Too dark to endure. Oh! none soothed thy pillow; No ear…

Adieu, to my dear native shore,To toss on the boisterous wave;To enjoy my kindred no more,But to weep - the tears of a SLAVE!By the sons of freemen I'm borne,To a land of the free and the brave;From my wife and children I'm torn,To weep - the sad…

Oh! beauty, where now is that grace, Of which, thou so vainly did'st boast; Where now is that beautiful face, That the beaux delighted to toast? Where now is that form you admired, And anxiously sought to adorn; The bosom that cheerfulness fired; Oh!…

I'll hie to the westward, my own native home, On the breast of the dark rolling river; My light bark shall dance o'er its water in foam, With the force that a strong arm can give her. I'll hie to the west, to the land of my birth, And revisit the…

"Did not I weep for him that was in trouble? was not my soul grieved for the poor?" There was a day I never sigh'd; There was a time I gladly sung: Oh, how I wish that I had died, When mind was pure and form was young. If I were well, a father…

How sad and forsaken Is that heavy heart, Where hope cannot waken, Nor sorrow depart! So and so lonely No inmate is there, Save one - and that only Is chilling Despair. How sad is the slumber Long sufferings bring, Whose visions outnumber The woes…

Oh, Judith! had our lot been cast In that remote and simple time When, shepherd swains, thy fathers passed From dreary wilds and deserts vast' To Judah's happy clime, - My song upon the mountain rocks, Had echoed oft thy rural charms: And I had…

Thy smiles, thy talk, thy aimless plays,So beautiful approve thee,So winning, light, are all thy ways,I cannot choose, but love thee:Thy balmy breath upon my browIs like the summer air,As o'er my cheek thou leanest now,To plant a soft kiss there.Thy…

Among the village maidens gay, Thou are the lovely queen; Neatly deck'd in fine array, Yes, lovely ADELINE. Thy form is delicately fair, And artless is thy mein; And other charming graces rare, Adorn thee, ADELINE. The crimson rose that paints thy…
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