Browse Items (174 total)

Thy smiles, thy talk, thy aimless plays,So beautiful approve thee,So winning, light, are all thy ways,I cannot choose, but love thee:Thy balmy breath upon my browIs like the summer air,As o'er my cheek thou leanest now,To plant a soft kiss there.Thy…

Kiss the Son, the promis'd child, Oh! hail him, long foretold! He comes to earth, in mercy mild, A richer gift than gold. Kiss the Son, the babe most sweet! Who from the realms above; In transport left his jasper seat, With purposes of love. Kiss the…

If the following be not merely `Fancy's Sketch,' it is at least to be hoped that the `Palace' of the fair original who sat for the picture, rears its cobwebbed ceilings in some far distant land.Give me one ounce of civit, good apothecary,To sweeten…

Hail glorious day, of heavenly birth,A sacred day to moral worth,A day which is our God's alone,A day we cannot call our own.A day on which we should not say,Or do what we would every day -From worldly bus'ness should refrain,And seek for more…

Chain'd foot to foot and hand to hand, The captives took their way, Goaded along by scourge or brand, Wearied and sad, to the distant strand Where the darkling slave-ship lay. Fearful its hidden dangers were, Where comes no breath of balmy air To…

Ask of the rolling spheres that fly In the deep blue skies away, Far as creation's boundary, What sceptre ye obey? And they shall sing in their loudest strain, - On, on - we wear no tyrant's chain. Ask of the winds before whose might The clouds in…

I asked old time and the spheres,To answer this question so high;Days, months, and the swift rolling yearsBut neither gave any replyI stood on a steep precipice,And call'd to the surges below,If ocean could answer me this?Its hoarse billows murmured…

The sultry day is done! How joyouslyThe cooling breeze (that all day long has sleptIn thicket, grove and bow'r, or half awake,Has softly nestled on the fragrant breastOf violet or rose, pilf'ring their sweets)Springs from the mountain's top, with…

Oh! Hail the auspicious morn, That doth so bright appear; Rejoicing greet the opening dawn Of the new budding Year. May happiness, health and peace Attend my Patrons dear; May domestic bliss increase, Thro' this new rising year. May virtues new, and…
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