Browse Items (174 total)

Wake, lady, wake, - the midnight moon Sails through the cloudless skies of June; The Stars gaze sweetly on the stream, Which in the brightness of their beam, One sheet of glory lies. The glowworm lends its little light, And all that's beautiful and…

In Judah's hall the sharp is hushed, Her voice is but the voice of pain; The heathen heel her helm has crushed, Her spirit wears the heathen chain. From the dark prison-house she cried, `How long, O Lord! thy sword has slept! O quell the oppressor in…

The son of the pilgrim has passed on his way, To seek the wild land where his father had died; He longs by his tomb of the desart to pray, And place a momento of love by its side. Dark woods and wild streams will his footsteps surround; The thirst of…

My earrings! my earrings! they've dropt into the well,And what to say to Muca, I cannot, cannot tell-'Twas thus Grenada's fountain by, spoke Albuharez' daughter,The well is deep, far down they lie, beneath the cold blue water-To me did Muca give…
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