Browse Items (174 total)

THE year hath gone, and in its stead,Prolific Time another bringsTo cheat us with its noisome tread,As hope doth with her whisperings.Cast back the retrospective eye,And view the deep inscribed part,Then tell of its variety,What are the joys that…

Sigh, for pleasure, thou may'st find herIn connubial joys alone'Friends may smile, but there's a kinder,Greets thee with a sweeter tone.On life's billows when thou'rt tossing,Man, the night were dark and drear,Did not thy beams, Oh, woman…

Banish grief for hope presages,Happier scenes in life ahead:Bear up still, and pain that rages,Soon will cease, its power be fled.Why should we let drooping sorrowForce the intrusive tear to view;Is there a balm which we can borrow,By opening healing…

OH, tell me what sanative powerThere is for the sorrowing heart:What sunbeam to pierce the dark hourWhen the flick'rings of Fortune depart!KIND friends! oh, they last but a dayWhen our sun of prosperity's highThey sink with its setting away -Are flow…

WHAT, when the heart is sick with grief,When joys are gone that us'd to be;Soothes us when all looks dark and drear:Lady? it is - Sympathy.WHEN long we've toil'd our bark to steerOf life far, far, from misery;But fail'd, and we were wreck'd on…

Farewell! my dear friend, but I leave you with sorrow,And regret pains my breast that we ever must part;For in youth I look'd forward with hope to the morrow,That should give and bind to me a soul without art.I found thee congenial, my heart hail'd…

There is a crime of blackest die,Which man, on brother man commits;And well this trait of infamy,His dark unfeeling breast befits.It is no foulest homicide,The felon hath a purer heart;Not sacrilege that I deride!Though this would make a demon…

`Tis Spring and Winter in his iron car,Has wheel'd his progress to the arctic shores,Now Ursus wafts his balmy gales from far,And Sol his warm and bright effulgence poursAnd see, Old Frost, his prison gates unbar;Each captive he to liberty…

Hail to thee! bright and ever rolling moon,Wheeling thy car in splendour through the sky;Thou art to mortals a most welcome boon,When waves Old Night his ebon [sic] wand on high,Thou beamest in thy beauty and how soonFlee the light clouds with their…

Hail, thou blooming violetThou firstling of the spring,Precursor of the fragrant band,That with them odours bring,Thou lift'st thy blushing purple leavesUp from the woodland green,And smils't reserv'd like modestyThat strives not to be seen.I prize…
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