Browse Items (174 total)

Women are made; so fate declares,To smoothe our linen and our cares,And `tis but just, for by my troth,They're very apt to ruffle both.

SLY BELZEHUB took all occasionsTo try Job's constancy and patience;He took his honor, took his health;He took his children, took his wealth;His servants, horses, oxen, cows; -But cunning SATAN did not take his Spouse.But Heaven, that brings out good…

"Is this the time to be gloomy and sad?"BRYANT.This is the time to be lightsome and gladFor earth is cloth'd in her richest green,And the grove with foilage fresh is clad,And the pure show'rs down his brightest sheen.Away with our gloom and…

"Star of descending night, fair is thy light in theWest! Thou liftest thy unshorn head from thy cloud; thy steps are stately on thy hill. What dost thou behold in the plain? The stormy winds are laid. The murmur of the torrent comes from afar.…

Where flows the fountain silently, It blooms a lovely flower, Blue as the beauty of the sky, And speaks like kind fidelity, Through fortune's sun and shower - "Forget me not." 'Tis like thy starry eyes, more bright Than evening's proudest star, Like…

My harp has long neglected laid, And very little music made; My Muse, at length, has fann'd the fire, And Freedom sweet attunes my lyre. FREEDOM's embalm'd in every heart, And oh! how loath with it we part! Pursu'd by all, by all desir'd, Caress'd by…

Friend after friend departs; Who hath not lost a friend? There is no union here of hearts That finds not here an end, Living not dying, none were blest. Beyond the flight of time, Beyond the reign of death, There surely is some blessed clime Where…

"We hath not words wherewith to vent The soul of agony, When every pang of feeling blent Burns in the averted eye!" We met as youths will ever meet, Ere their warm feelings die; Or cold neglect, or dark deceit, Have chill'd love's beaming…

The frost performs its secret ministryUnhelped by any wind. The owlet's cryCome loud - and hark, again! loud as before -The inmates of my cottage all at rest,Have left me to that solitude which suitsAbstruser musings: save that at my sideMy cradled…

Dedicated to the Gentlemen who takes so kind and interest in his behalf.Joy kindles by thy vital gale,And breathes true philanthropy;Thus with delight I hailThe dawn of Liberty.The song of Gratitude I oweTo thee from whom these pleasures rise,And…
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