Browse Items (174 total)

Land of heroes and of sages,
Waking from thy sleep of ages,
Rouse thee! 'tis no hour for slumber,
Foes, as ocean's sands in number,
Gird thee. 'Tis not now the Asian
Gives thy fields to desolation;
'Tis not now the archer Mede,
Rushing as…

Mount, soldier, mount, the gallant steed, --     Seek, seek, the ranks of war: 'Tis better there in death to bleed,     Than drag a tyrant's ear. Strike! strike! nor think the blow unseen That frees the limbs where chains have been. Oh no! each dying…

In Judah's hall the sharp is hushed, Her voice is but the voice of pain; The heathen heel her helm has crushed, Her spirit wears the heathen chain. From the dark prison-house she cried, `How long, O Lord! thy sword has slept! O quell the oppressor in…

Here we three have met again,After years of hope and pain;Since our parting, time has laidMany a three in death's dark shade,Many a widow's heart has sighed.Since the dream that boyhood gave,We have toiled on life's wide wave,Wearily our oars we've…

My early hopes - my early hopes, Where are ye now? and why With cypress have ye wreath'd my heart, And bade its blossoms die? I nurs'd my rose with dew of love, And warm'd it with my breath, And little reck'd with all my care 'Twould meet so quick a…

human life.jpg
I stood by the towers of Ardenville,
And the bells rang out a joyous peal,
Loudly and merrily rang they then,
O'er field, and valley, and sylvan glen;
And each voice sounded gay as the forester's horn,
And each heart was glad: for an heiress was…

Beneath our feet, and o'er our head, Is equal warning given; Beneath us lie the countless dead, Above us is the heaven! Their names are graven on the stone, Their bones are in the clay; And ere another day is done, Ourselves may be as they. Death…

"The heavens, O Lord! Thy power proclaim,And the earth echoes back, Thy Name;Ten thousand voices speak Thy might,And day to day, and night to night,Utter Thy praise! - Thou Lord above!Thy praise - Thy glory - and Thy love.All things I see, or hear,…

The Son of God is gone to war.
A kingly crown to gain.
His blood-red banner streams afar!
Who follows in his train?
Who best can drink his cup of woe,
Triumphant over pain?
Who boldest leaves his cross below?
He follows in his train.


Lately, we wander'd sadly where, None watch'd our way, or mark'd our lot; Yet God beheld us, and His care Shielded the child that knew him not. We knew not God, and yet his Name Too often on our lips was found; He spar'd us - yes, the very same That…
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