Browse Items (174 total)

"This is a true saying, and worthy of all acceptation" This little Book I'd rather own, Than all the gold and gems That e'er in monarchs' coffee shone - Than all their diadems: Nay, were the seas one chrysolite, The earth a golden ball. And…

Chain'd in the market place he stood, A man of giant frame, Amid the gathering multitude, That shrunk to hear his name - All stern of look and strong of limb, His dark eye on the ground - And silently they gaz'd on him, As on a lion…

What gem hath dropp'd, and sparkles o'er his chain?The tear most sacred, shed for other's pain,That starts at once; bright - pure - from pity's mine,Already polished by the hand divine!Oh, too convincing - dangerously dear -In woman's eye the…

"Did not I weep for him that was in trouble? was not my soul grieved for the poor?" There was a day I never sigh'd; There was a time I gladly sung: Oh, how I wish that I had died, When mind was pure and form was young. If I were well, a father…

He told me I was fair as morn,Mine eyes were bright as stars of even;In fine, that I was seraph born,Could make his lot an earthly heaven.I lov'd him well albeit I might,Have deem'd his praise as vainly offer'd;I thought him true with fond…

WHAT! live an old maid! the idea is distressing,Be banish'd for ever the thought - 'tis unkind;Remember great Natur's design, you're transgressing,By leaving the pleasures of marriage behind.WHY live an old maid? - have Love's arrows lost powerTo…

Nature's great debt is paid - her spirit's fled,Thy playful Mary's numbered with the dead:Why starts that tear? why, sister, why repine?Why murmur at thy Master's will divine?"She sip'd but lightly of life's bitter cup,Refused to drink the unsavory…

Alas! lovely hawthorn, how lately I gazedOn thy flourishing branches, all covered with bloom,So perfect their beauty, I paused while I praised,And inhaled from the gale their delicious perfume.Like the blush on a cloud, in the sun's parting beam,When…

Remember Me Yes, dear one, to the envied train Of those around, thy moments pay; But wilt thou never kindly deign To think of him that's far away? Thy form - thine eye - thine angel smile, For weary years I may not see; But wilt thou not, sometimes…

In early youth I nursed a flower, Of sweet perfume and lovely hue, A favorite in my blooming bower, Warmed by the sun, refreshed by shower,Securely there it grew.If gladness filled my youthful breast, More bright its beauties shone; It seemed to…
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