Browse Items (174 total)

TO S.P.G. Esq. Lo! for this dark terrestrial ball Forsakes his azure-paved hall A prince of heav'nly birth! Divine Humanity, behold, What wonders rise, what charms unfold At his descent to earth! The bosoms of the great and good With wonder and…

Attend my lays, ye ever honour'd mine,Assist my labours, and my strains refine,In smoothest numbers pour the notes along,For bright Aurora now demands my song.Aurora, hail, and all the thousands dies,Which deck thy progress through the vaulted…

Propitious be the gales that waft thee, To southern clime, to peaceful home, Thy smile, perhaps, may never greet me, Or friendship tempt thee, here again to roam. Could I but once more meet thine eye, That ever beam'd with fond delight, That kindly…

There is a crime of blackest die,Which man, on brother man commits;And well this trait of infamy,His dark unfeeling breast befits.It is no foulest homicide,The felon hath a purer heart;Not sacrilege that I deride!Though this would make a demon…

ART thou a Woman? - so am I, and allThat woman can be, I have been, or am;A daughter, sister, consort, mother, widow.Which of these thou art, oh be the friendOf one is what thou canst never be!Look on thyself thy kindred, home, and cry, "Thank God,An…

They have told me that thou art Not what thy lips have told, But a fickle thing, whose heart Is as vain as it is cold. They have told me that in turn, Pride and envy rule thy breast; That to-morrow thou wilt spurn, What to-day thou convetest; Tell me…

Oh! ask not, hope thou not too much Of sympathy below; Few are the hearts whence one same touch Bids the sweet fountain flow; Few - and by still conflicting powers Forbidden here to meet:- Such lies would make this life of ours Too fair for aught so…

As fleeting as the morning cloud,That moves in fearful silence by,As changeful as the hues that shrowdThe summer's evening sky;Shifting with every pulse of air -Just such is life - as false as fair.But it has joys that never fail,As deep, and pure,…

Days of my youth! ye have glided away; Hairs of my youth! ye are frosted and gray; Eyes of my youth! your keen sight is no more; Cheeks of my youth! ye are furrow'd all o'er; Strength of my youth! all your vigour is gone; Thoughts of my youth! your…

Oh! tell me not of years that are past, The present let me know; Recall not all that's fled so fast, In life's quick changing flow, Tell me not of the gay wrought scenes, We've known in days of yore, Oh cease to think, they ere have been, Like…
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