Browse Items (174 total)

All are not just because they do no wrong;
But he who will not wrong me when he may,
He is the TRULY JUST I praise not them
Who in their petty dealings pilfer not;
But him who spurns a secret fraud,
Where he might plunder and defy surprize.

Bright as the beam that shone on the young earth, Fresh and exulting from her recent birth, Purer than purest wave of ocean, flows From pity's eye the tear for other's woes. The wandering Indian, Nature's untaught child, Nurs'd in the bosom of the…

Friend after friend departs; Who hath not lost a friend? There is no union here of hearts That finds not here an end, Living not dying, none were blest. Beyond the flight of time, Beyond the reign of death, There surely is some blessed clime Where…

Come let me pluck that silver hair Which 'mid thy curling locks I see; The withering type of time or care Hath nothing, sure, to do with thee! Years have not yet impaired the grace That charmed me once, that chains me now! And Envy's self, Love,…

Dearest, dry that tearful eye - Dearest, check that mournful sigh: Let not hope thy bosom fly, Nor sorrow longer move thee: For by that pale cheek I swear - By those eyes of beauty rare - By the pure soul shining there - I'll never cease to love…

"It is good for us to be here: if thou wilt let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias." Matt. xvii. 4. Methinks it is good to be here; If thou wilt let us build - but for whom? Nor Elias nor Moses…

Days of my youth! ye have glided away; Hairs of my youth! ye are frosted and gray; Eyes of my youth! your keen sight is no more; Cheeks of my youth! ye are furrow'd all o'er; Strength of my youth! all your vigour is gone; Thoughts of my youth! your…

Man born to sorrow, even from the womb, Seeks for that vision, Happiness, in vain - He courts it to the entrance of his tomb, Through days of trouble and through years of pain. He seeks it in all sublunary things, - In riches which will perish and…

My harp has long neglected laid, And very little music made; My Muse, at length, has fann'd the fire, And Freedom sweet attunes my lyre. FREEDOM's embalm'd in every heart, And oh! how loath with it we part! Pursu'd by all, by all desir'd, Caress'd by…

Mount, soldier, mount, the gallant steed, --     Seek, seek, the ranks of war: 'Tis better there in death to bleed,     Than drag a tyrant's ear. Strike! strike! nor think the blow unseen That frees the limbs where chains have been. Oh no! each dying…
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