Browse Items (174 total)

Lady, `tis true we ne'er have metOn lowland vale or upland lea,To utter joy, or weep regret,For friends estrang'd or sweets that flee.Perhaps thy heart hath known no ill,That pains the breast to sad distress;Forcing the tear to roll at will,For…

How solemn was the closing scene, When she yielded her last breath; How sweetly beamed the smile serene Upon the cheek of death. Her lovely hope no fears could blight, No pain her peace destroy, She viewed above, the beams of light, A pure and…

Thou hast passed away, as the flower that bloom'd In the light of the morning sun; When evening came with its chilly gloom, Like the flower thy course was run. We gazed on thee in the pride of youth, When thy heart was light and gay; And could not…

Bright as the beam that shone on the young earth, Fresh and exulting from her recent birth, Purer than purest wave of ocean, flows From pity's eye the tear for other's woes. The wandering Indian, Nature's untaught child, Nurs'd in the bosom of the…

IS GLOUCESTER dead! The man of GOD?Why! I saw him, but the other dayWith cheerfulness upon his brow,Oh! has he now so soon decayed!YES, I saw him, mount the sacred desk;There, with energy proclaim the truth,While, listening ears, hung upon his…

When evening bids the sun to rest retire,Unwearied Either sets her lamps on fire,Lit by one torch, each is supplied in turn,`Till all the candles in the concave burn.The right hawk now with his nocturnal toneWakes up, and all the owls begin to…

Nature's great debt is paid - her spirit's fled,Thy playful Mary's numbered with the dead:Why starts that tear? why, sister, why repine?Why murmur at thy Master's will divine?"She sip'd but lightly of life's bitter cup,Refused to drink the unsavory…

Oh! bid the breast where sorrow's dartHath lightly press'd its barb of pain,To wake to joy and know the artEach care corroding to restrain.But mock me not with lightsome song,For well thou know'st this heart of mine,Can ill disperse its woes that…

"It is good for us to be here: if thou wilt let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias." Matt. xvii. 4. Methinks it is good to be here; If thou wilt let us build - but for whom? Nor Elias nor Moses…

WHAT! live an old maid! the idea is distressing,Be banish'd for ever the thought - 'tis unkind;Remember great Natur's design, you're transgressing,By leaving the pleasures of marriage behind.WHY live an old maid? - have Love's arrows lost powerTo…
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