Browse Items (174 total)

Now, the nuptial knot is tied,Su'da attends the lovely bride;Crown her, ye celestial powers,Flora, strew her path with flowers.Ye nine, your golden harps employ;To melting strains of nuptial joy;Oh! Cupid prove the gentle guide!To this new, this…

Where flows the fountain silently, It blooms a lovely flower, Blue as the beauty of the sky, And speaks like kind fidelity, Through fortune's sun and shower - "Forget me not." 'Tis like thy starry eyes, more bright Than evening's proudest star, Like…

O muse, attune my lyre sweet, The moments to beguile; Oh, endite a sonnet meet, To BEAUTY'S placid smile. Care may prey upon the heart, And make it bleed awhile, But, how transient is the smart, When BEAUTY beams a smile. Doom'd in distant climes to…

Oh! beauty, where now is that grace, Of which, thou so vainly did'st boast; Where now is that beautiful face, That the beaux delighted to toast? Where now is that form you admired, And anxiously sought to adorn; The bosom that cheerfulness fired; Oh!…

Q. Flowers, wherefore do ye bloom?
A. We strew thy pathway to the tomb.

Q. Stars, wherefore do ye rise?
A. To light thy spirit to the skies.

Q. Fair moon, why dost thou wane?
A. That I may wax again.

Q. O sun, what makes thy beams so…

Adieu to thee, Anna, for ever adieu, Adieu to each sweet recollection; I grieve most sincerely that ever I knew, A girl of such faithless affection. 'Tis in vain to repine, then no longer I'll weep, But indulge in a hope for the morrow, Each care…

His eye, which once with sparkling lustre shone,Was hollow, glazed and dim. The ruddy glowOf health had left his cheek, and paleness death-like.Had unsurp'd its place. His manly open brow,Impress'd with early grief's said signet, wore a…

The liquid chrystal glitters in thine eye,The pearly dew drop quivers on they cheek,Thy snowy bosom heaves the trembling sigh,What can they grief dispel? - Speak, Lady Speak!Thy ivory brow with thought is overcast,Thy dulcet accents tremulously…

Man born to sorrow, even from the womb, Seeks for that vision, Happiness, in vain - He courts it to the entrance of his tomb, Through days of trouble and through years of pain. He seeks it in all sublunary things, - In riches which will perish and…

ART thou a Woman? - so am I, and allThat woman can be, I have been, or am;A daughter, sister, consort, mother, widow.Which of these thou art, oh be the friendOf one is what thou canst never be!Look on thyself thy kindred, home, and cry, "Thank God,An…
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