Browse Items (174 total)

Oh! thine was love so pure and sweet, So tender, firm, and so sincere, How often have we met to greet Each new, each happy year. Then hours flew unheeded by, By giddy mirth and song: But death, alas! has clos'd the eye, Which shone in pleasure's…

"There comes a voice that awakes my soul. Itis the voice of years that are gone, they rollbefore me with all their deeds." - OSSIAN.A voice of youth, of rosy youth,I heard in visions of the night;And mem'ry dear as vestal Truth,Brought ev'ry shade…

Caution to Youth of both sexes. My little dears, who learn to read, Pray early learn to shun That very silly thing indeed Which people call a pun. Read Entick's rules, and 'twill be found How simple an offence It is make the self-same…

Q. Flowers, wherefore do ye bloom?
A. We strew thy pathway to the tomb.

Q. Stars, wherefore do ye rise?
A. To light thy spirit to the skies.

Q. Fair moon, why dost thou wane?
A. That I may wax again.

Q. O sun, what makes thy beams so…

Oh! what is pleasure, in whose chase, Life's one brief day is made a race Of vanity and lightness? A star to gaze on, whose bright crown, We wait until the sun goes down, And find when it has o'er us shone, No warmth in all its brightness! And what…

Blest hours of childhood, then and then aloneDance we the revels gay round pleasure's throne.(Thoughts of recluseDear cherished hours how much ye tell,Of all once known and lov'd so well;On memory's page one leaf is there,Bearing a trace of joys that…

THE year hath gone, and in its stead,Prolific Time another bringsTo cheat us with its noisome tread,As hope doth with her whisperings.Cast back the retrospective eye,And view the deep inscribed part,Then tell of its variety,What are the joys that…

Man born to sorrow, even from the womb, Seeks for that vision, Happiness, in vain - He courts it to the entrance of his tomb, Through days of trouble and through years of pain. He seeks it in all sublunary things, - In riches which will perish and…

No more shall sorrow grave my browWith furrows deep as once she did;No more will I supinely bow,For reason, pace, and all forbid.I gave my heart away to grief,That of the tender melting kind:And e'en I had a fond beliefThat here was pleasure quite…

I love thee, long past time; Thy memory is to me, Sweet as the early village chime, Slow wafted o'er the lea:- I love to sit and muse On thy fast fading hour - And bless the gentle hope that strews My closing path with flowers. 'Tis to unfold…
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