Browse Items (174 total)

Kiss the Son, the promis'd child, Oh! hail him, long foretold! He comes to earth, in mercy mild, A richer gift than gold. Kiss the Son, the babe most sweet! Who from the realms above; In transport left his jasper seat, With purposes of love. Kiss the…

Lately, we wander'd sadly where, None watch'd our way, or mark'd our lot; Yet God beheld us, and His care Shielded the child that knew him not. We knew not God, and yet his Name Too often on our lips was found; He spar'd us - yes, the very same That…

Oh! Hail the auspicious morn, That doth so bright appear; Rejoicing greet the opening dawn Of the new budding Year. May happiness, health and peace Attend my Patrons dear; May domestic bliss increase, Thro' this new rising year. May virtues new, and…

The gondola glides,Like a spirit of night,O'er the slumbering tides,In the calm moonlight: -The star of the northShews her golden eye,But a brighter looks forthFrom you lattice on high!Her taper is out,And the silver beamFloats the maiden about,-…

THE year hath gone, and in its stead,Prolific Time another bringsTo cheat us with its noisome tread,As hope doth with her whisperings.Cast back the retrospective eye,And view the deep inscribed part,Then tell of its variety,What are the joys that…

Now, the nuptial knot is tied,Su'da attends the lovely bride;Crown her, ye celestial powers,Flora, strew her path with flowers.Ye nine, your golden harps employ;To melting strains of nuptial joy;Oh! Cupid prove the gentle guide!To this new, this…

Lady! the day of brief enjoyment o'er,We bid adieu, perhaps to meet no more -And, like the summer's soft and dewy sky,Keep that our night of darkness is so nigh[ ] it as sweet to wander here with thee.[ ] in the spell thy presence could decreeWhich…

IS GLOUCESTER dead! The man of GOD?Why! I saw him, but the other dayWith cheerfulness upon his brow,Oh! has he now so soon decayed!YES, I saw him, mount the sacred desk;There, with energy proclaim the truth,While, listening ears, hung upon his…

WHAT! live an old maid! the idea is distressing,Be banish'd for ever the thought - 'tis unkind;Remember great Natur's design, you're transgressing,By leaving the pleasures of marriage behind.WHY live an old maid? - have Love's arrows lost powerTo…

Nature's great debt is paid - her spirit's fled,Thy playful Mary's numbered with the dead:Why starts that tear? why, sister, why repine?Why murmur at thy Master's will divine?"She sip'd but lightly of life's bitter cup,Refused to drink the unsavory…
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