Browse Items (174 total)

Ask of the rolling spheres that fly In the deep blue skies away, Far as creation's boundary, What sceptre ye obey? And they shall sing in their loudest strain, - On, on - we wear no tyrant's chain. Ask of the winds before whose might The clouds in…

Mark xiii. 37 - What I say unto you, I say unto all, Watch. Life is a sea. - how fair its face, How smooth its dimpling waters pace, Its canopy how pure But rocks below, and tempests sleep, Insidious, o'er the glassy deep, Nor leave an hour…

'EARTH to earth, and dust to dust!'Here the evil and the just,Here the youthful and the old,Here the fearful and the bold;Here the matron and the maidIn one silent bed are laid;Here the vassal and the kingSide by side lie withering;Here the sword and…

Upon the margin of a lake,Along the rocks that rudely break,The thousand rivulets and hills,That oozing from the mountain's browFall trembling to the lake below;A traveller rode in quaint array,A gallant steed of dappled a gray:Close to his side a…

What gem hath dropp'd, and sparkles o'er his chain?The tear most sacred, shed for other's pain,That starts at once; bright - pure - from pity's mine,Already polished by the hand divine!Oh, too convincing - dangerously dear -In woman's eye the…

'Tis he of Afric. By the reedy marge Of broad bright Niger, hath he chased the deer, Or led his warriors to the battle charge, When life's gay morning shone serenely clear. Child of the cruel fate and blighted hope! O sadly hath the morning changed…

Lady! the day of brief enjoyment o'er,We bid adieu, perhaps to meet no more -And, like the summer's soft and dewy sky,Keep that our night of darkness is so nigh[ ] it as sweet to wander here with thee.[ ] in the spell thy presence could decreeWhich…

Adieu to thee, Anna, for ever adieu, Adieu to each sweet recollection; I grieve most sincerely that ever I knew, A girl of such faithless affection. 'Tis in vain to repine, then no longer I'll weep, But indulge in a hope for the morrow, Each care…

Land of the wise! where Science broke Like morning from chaotic deeps, Where Moses, holy prophet, woke, Where Parsons, youthful martyr, sleeps. Land of the brave! where Carthage rear'd 'Gainst haughty Rome, a warrior's crest; Where Cato, like a God…

"Our task is done! on Gunga's breastThe sun is sinking down to rest;And, moored beneath the tamarind bough,Our bark has found its harbor now.With furled sail, and painted side,Behold the tiny frigate ride.Upon her deck, `mid charcoal gleams,The…
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