Browse Items (251 total)

"Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." ------ "COME unto me, ye who are heavy laden," Come unto me ye who are sore opprest; The white haired sire, the young and tender maiden - "Come unto me and I will…

Not to the mount where fire and smoke, Jehovah's face concealed, When loud to wandering man he spoke, To make his law revealed - Not to the awful splendor there, Can turn my fearful eye! To hear its thunderings, and to dare Its lightnings,…

Daughter of faith, and was it thineSo rich a dower to gain,As blessing on thy silent wayFrom lips of care and pain?Thus didst thou walk on earth, who nowArt with the angel train!While in thy Savior's work below,Thy willing footsteps moved,Till want…

1. I have a son, a little son, a boy just five years old,With eyes of thoughtful earnestness, and mind of gentle mould.They tell me that unusual grace in all his ways appears -That my child is wise and grave of heart, beyond his childish years.I…

"So we went toward Rome, and from thence, when the brethren heard of us, they came to meet us as far as Appii Forum, whom when Paul saw, he thanked God and took courage." ACTS xxviii: 14, 15. How strong the love, that binds Two souls in…

Joy to Queen Victoria, Queen and ruler o'er us! Let the soaring music Rise in mighty chorus! God save Queen Victoria! England's young Victoria; May her motto ever be, "Pax libertas, Gloria!" Wisdom be her counselor; Truth her queenly glory!…

"In all losses I would have a doubled prospect, I would consider what I have lost, and I would have regard to what I have left. It may be in my loss I may find a benefit; I may be rid with it of a trouble, a snare, or a danger." - Owen Feltham. What…

In vain the troubled spirit hears the voiceOf justice, holiness, and power divine:Call forth the joyous sound upon the ear,A winter sun-beam on an icy heart.There needs some better word, some summer beamTo touch the soul and melt it into peace.But…

Leaves have their time to fall, And flowers to wither at the north wind’s breath, And stars to set; but all, Thou hast all seasons for thine own, O Death! Day is for mortal care,Eve, for glad meetings round the joyous hearth, Night, for the dreams of…

ALL night the booming minute-gun Had peal'd along the deep, And mournfully the rising sun Looked o'er the tide-worn steep. A bark from India's coral strand, Before the raging blast, Had vail'd her topsails to the sand, And bow'd her noble…
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