Browse Items (251 total)

He knelt - the Saviour knelt and prayed, When but his Father's eye Looked through the lonely garden's shade, On that dread agony! The Lord of all, above, beneath, Was bowed with sorrow unto death. The sun set in a fearful hour, The skies might…

Father, guide me! Day declines,Hollow winds are in the pines;Darkly waves each giant boughO'er the sky's last crimson glow;Hush'd is now the convent's bell,Which erewhile with breezy swell,From the purple mountains boreGreeting to the…

"The Indians of Bengal, and of the coast of Malabar, bring cages filled with birds to the graves of their friends, over which they set the birds at liberty. This custom is alluded to in the description of Virginia's funeral." - See Paul and Virginia.…

Set the sail and trim the boat, Softly blow the breezes; Let the light bark onward float, Where the zephyr pleases. Though the mountain's ponderous brow, Casts its shadow o'er us; Yet the valley's sunny glow, Is beaming bright before us. See,…

How beautiful it stands Behind its elm-tree screen, With pure and Attic cornice crowned, All graceful and serene. Most sweet, yet sad, it is, Upon you scene to gaze, And list its inborn melody, The voice of other days. For there, as many a…

YOU will not see him more: - You, whose first thoughtsBlest with his image, who to manhood grewBeneath the shelter of his saintly shade,And brought your own young infants to his hand,For the baptismal water, and lived onAmid his teachings, till the…

A voice amid the desert! Not of him, Who in rough garments clad, and locust-fed,Cried to the sinful multitude, and claimedFruits of repentance, with the lifted scourgeOf terror and reproof. A milder guide,With gentler tones, doth teach the…

"Not MY will, but THINE."I had a tender blossom, Its nursing root was dead, And in my breast I hid it, When its angel mother fled! But at every blast I shudder'd, And I trembled, day and night, Lest some unseen destroyer, My only bud should…

Come to thy secret chamber - oh, my soul,Deep, deep within, - The thrilling harp of loveThat cheers thee daily with its symphoniesBid it keep silence, and the hand of hopeRest 'mid the rose-buds it would weave for thee;Repel intrusive care, and bid…

I woke, and every lordling of the groveWas clad in diamonds, and the lowliest shrubDid wear its crest of brilliants gallantly.The swelling hillocks, with their woven vines,The far seen forest, and the broken hedge,Yea, every thicket gleam'd in bright…
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