Browse Items (251 total)

"One by one the objects of our affection depart from us. ----- Thou glorious Spirit-land! O, that I could behold thee as thou art, - the region of life, and light, and love, and the dwelling-place of those beloved ones, whose being has flowed onward…

I saw the young bride, in her beauty and pride, Bedecked in her snowy array, And the bright flush of joy mantled high on her cheek, And the future looked blooming and gay; And with woman's devotion she laid her fond heart At the shrine of…

Is it not the deep drawn sigh? Is it not in the stifled groan, When solitary and alone, And with the Spirit hovering nigh? Is it not in the anguish'd prayer Of him who feels his heart is riven, And seeks to lay his burthen where There is a…

List, list, the notes of anguish From yonder arid plains, Where millions groan and languish 'Neath slavery's galling chains. To Heaven, with look imploring, They urge their earnest prayer, With humble hearts adoring The God that reigneth…

Give Jehovah, give ye to him Strength and glory, sons of light! Give the Lord the glory due him, Give him majesty and might. Bow before him! Lo! he comes in splendor bright. Hark! the God of glory thunders! 'Tis Jehovah's voice on…

Were I as black as ebony - Dy'd with a torrid sun, Or with his milder beams but tinged A Hindoo, brown or dun; Or was I of the sallow hue Where temperate beams prevail - Or did I wear a snowy brow, By Northern winds bleached pale; The cause I…

I bring no chain of rarest worth - No coral from the deep sea-cave - No gem long hid within the earth, To shine where now those tresses wave; A gift more precious, far, is mine, Than sparkling gem from earth or sea; This treasury of thought -…

If ever life should seem To thee a tedious way, And gladness cease to beam Upon the clouded day: If like the weary dove, O'er shoreless ocean driven, Raise thou think eye above - There's rest for thee in Heaven! But O, if thornless…

I PLUCK'D a Rose for thee, sweet friend, Thine ever favorite flower, A bud I long had nurs'd for thee, Within my wintry bower; I group'd it with the fragrant leaves That on the myrtle grew, And tied it with a silken string Of soft cerulean…
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