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I KNEW that we must part; day after day I saw the dread Destroyer win his way.That hollow cough first rang the fatal knell,As on my ear its prophet-warning fell;Feeble and slow the once light footstep grew,Thy wasting cheek put on death's pallid…

"Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." ------ "COME unto me, ye who are heavy laden," Come unto me ye who are sore opprest; The white haired sire, the young and tender maiden - "Come unto me and I will…

WEEP, orphans, weep! - for ye have lost a friend - Ye widows, shed the tributary tear; Ye sons of want - come, and in sadness bend O'er the loved form - now cold and lifeless here; Weep, captives, weep! - ye sick and injur'd too, Ye lone and…

YOU will not see him more: - You, whose first thoughtsBlest with his image, who to manhood grewBeneath the shelter of his saintly shade,And brought your own young infants to his hand,For the baptismal water, and lived onAmid his teachings, till the…

Types of eternal rest - fair buds of bliss,In heavenly flowers unfolding week by week -The next world's gladness, imaged forth in this -Days of whose worth the Christian's heart canspeak!Eternity of time - the steps by whichWe climb to future ages -…

Daughter of faith, and was it thineSo rich a dower to gain,As blessing on thy silent wayFrom lips of care and pain?Thus didst thou walk on earth, who nowArt with the angel train!While in thy Savior's work below,Thy willing footsteps moved,Till want…

Go forth my mite! and join the heap, That philanthropy bestows: Go save our Press, our friends go keep, In safety from all foes. Be not abashed - resign thy fear, That weak, and poor thou art: 'Twas honest labor brought thee here, 'Tis freedom…

COLUMBIA'S Eagle claps her wings, Our banner proudly waves; Still southern breezes onward bear, The shrieks of fettered slaves. The stripes, the chains of Afric's sons Have writ a fearful doom; Hark! even now they chant the dirge, O'er buried…

The brakes with golden flowers were crowned,And melody was heard around,When near a stream, a dew-drop shedIts lustre on a violet's head;While, trembling to the breeze, it hung.The streamlet as it rolled along,The beauty of the morn confessed,And…

'Tis evening now - the Sun's last smileSoft on the snowy peaks is flung;And o'er the shadowy dells, the while,The veil of gathering night is hung,Dark, and more deep, the shades come down,And softer glows the fading light,'Till the last beam of day…
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