Browse Items (251 total)

"Come with us and we will do thee good." - NUM. x. 29. ------- OH! come with us, the mazy round Of pleasure hath been tried, And all her promised joy been found To pain and guilt allied. The varied stores of human lore Have lost their power to…

Now autumn moves with chilling breath, And all her winds prevail, And you sweet flower whose hue is death Stands trembling in the gale; Leaf after leaf all withered shed, And scattered on the ground, And how the flower, the stem is dead Nor…

"So we went toward Rome, and from thence, when the brethren heard of us, they came to meet us as far as Appii Forum, whom when Paul saw, he thanked God and took courage." ACTS xxviii: 14, 15. How strong the love, that binds Two souls in…

THERE is a song, whose echo's rang Throughout the vault on high - Angels descended first and sang 'Salvation' thro' the sky. Sweet music! Oh what rapt'rous words Were blended in that song! A Saviour! - 'we his name record' - Thus shout th'…

THOU wast the youngling of our flock - our little petted lamb,Whose presence ever shed around a holy, happy calm,When grieved, and worn, and sick at heart with worldly cares and men,Thine infant gladness freshen'd up, our drooping souls again.And…

THEY meet once more around the hearth Within their quiet home, Where 'mid their own sweet household mirth Is heard no jarring tone. The lamp sheds down its cheerful light On youth and beauty there, On manhood in his conscious might, On woman,…

THE world is full of toil, It bids the traveler roam, It binds the laborer to the soil, The student to his home - The beasts of burden sigh, O'erloaded and opprest - The Sabbath lifts its banner high, And gives the weary rest. The world is…

SEXTON! spare that grave, Touch not a single clod! There let the wild grass wave Forever o'er that sod. Sexton! my Mother sleeps In that neglected spot; The willow o'er it weeps; I pray thee touch it not. 'Twas my lov'd Father's hand That…

"Room for the leper! Room!" And as he cameThe cry passed on - "Room for the leper! Room!"Sunrise was slanting on the city gatesRosy and beautiful, and from the hillsThe early risen poor were coming inDuly and cheerfully to their toil, and upRose the…

What speaks the thunder, when its midnight cry Rolls through heaven's vast and cloudy palaces? What writes the lightning on the ebon sky, When the fierce tempests, wrapped in sackcloth, rise From their huge cradles, on the roaring seas? What…
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