Browse Items (251 total)

Is it his daily toil that wrings From the slave's bosom, that deep sigh? Is it niggard fare that brings That tear into his down-cast eye? O, no - by toil and humble fare Earth's sons their strength - their glory gain. It is because the slave…

Father, while the day-light dies,Hear our grateful voices riseFor the blessings that we share,For thy kindness and thy care,For the joy that fills our breast,And the love that makes us blest, We thank thee, Father. For an earthly father's…

I. Shrink not, Christian, from the strife; See! the flag that floats above: Banner broad and dyed in blood; - Stern its motto? No! 't is love! - II. From the steep of Calvary, By a Saviour's hand unfurled: By the King of kings flung out For…

SOFT are the fruitful flowers that spring The welcome promise of the spring, And soft the vernal gale; Sweet the wild warblings of the grove, The voice of nature and of love, That gladdens every vale. But softer, in the mourner's ear, Sounds the…

Oh! let the soul its slumber break, Arouse its senses and awake, To see how soon Life, with its glories, glides away, And the stern footsteps of decay, Comes stealing on. How pleasure, like the passing wind, Blows by, and leaves us nought…

THOU wast the youngling of our flock - our little petted lamb,Whose presence ever shed around a holy, happy calm,When grieved, and worn, and sick at heart with worldly cares and men,Thine infant gladness freshen'd up, our drooping souls again.And…

Again, and oft again, thine image breaks Upon the solitude of silent thought; And ever as that blessed vision wakes, With such a tide of holy memories fraught, Earth, sense, and time fade from my spirit's sight, And heaven unbars her gates of…

The brakes with golden flowers were crowned,And melody was heard around,When near a stream, a dew-drop shedIts lustre on a violet's head;While, trembling to the breeze, it hung.The streamlet as it rolled along,The beauty of the morn confessed,And…

JESUS, I my cross have taken, All to leave and follow thee; Naked, poor, despis'd, forsaken, Thou, from hence, my all shalt be. Perish every fond ambition, All I've hoped, or sought, or known - Yet how rich is my condition, God and heaven are…
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