Browse Items (251 total)

Horror of nature, hell and death!When a deep groan from beneathShall cry, "We come! we come!" and allThe caves of night answer one call.Oh that book! whose leaves so brightWill set the world in severe light:Oh that Judge! whose hand, whose eyeNone…

"Tribe of the wandering foot and weary breast, When shalt thou flee away and be at rest?" BYRON. ---Thou art fallen, O Israel! thou art scattered abroad,From the home of thy sires, by the hand of thy God;Once the honor'd the cherish'd the chosen…

They are all gone into a world of light,And I alone sit lingering here;Their very memory is fair and bright,And my sad thoughts doth clear.It glows and glitters in my cloudy breath,Like stars upon some gloomy grove;Or those faint beams in which the…

Another year, another year,O! who shall see another year?Shalt thou, old man, of hoary head,Of eye-sight dim, and feeble tread?Expect it not. Time, pain and grief,Have made thee like an autumn leaf,Ready, by blast or self-decay,From its slight hold…

1. I have a son, a little son, a boy just five years old,With eyes of thoughtful earnestness, and mind of gentle mould.They tell me that unusual grace in all his ways appears -That my child is wise and grave of heart, beyond his childish years.I…

We walked by the side of the tranquil stream,That the sun had tinged with his parting beam,The water was still, and so crystal clear,That every spray had its image there.And every reed that o'er it bowed,And the crimson streak, and the silvery…

Like to the falling of a star;Or as the flights of eagles are;Or like the fresh Spring's gaudy hue;Or silver drops of morning dew;Or like the wind that chafes the flood;Or bubbles which on water stood;Even such is man, whose borrowed lightIs straight…

Dedicated to little George, and other children. MORNING SONG. I. The shades of night are fled, The sun lights up the sky, And I have left my downy bed, To praise the God on high. II. To him my prayers ascend, To him my thanks be given, Him…

Oh! let the soul its slumber break, Arouse its senses and awake, To see how soon Life, with its glories, glides away, And the stern footsteps of decay, Comes stealing on. How pleasure, like the passing wind, Blows by, and leaves us nought…
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