Browse Items (251 total)

"Now I saw in my dream, that the highway which Christian was to go, was fenced on either side with a wall, and that wall was called Salvation; Isaiah 26; 1. Up this way, therefore, did burdened Christian run, but not without great difficulty, because…

I. O COLDLY gleams the setting sun, And the dews of eve are chill; The flood is in the valley, And the mist upon the hill. November's blast comes sweeping Through the forest lone and sere - And the waning year goes creeping, To her cold and…

Day breaks triumphant o'er the deep And laughs the shades of night away! Onward the waves resplendent sweep, And mountain streams flash back the ray! Then burst from bough and kindling air, A thousand wild enchanting lays; Till forest depth and…

To speak thy praise, be mine - brave Washington -Thou for thy country hast the laurel won.Heaven raised thee up, and sent thee to the field. -Thy country's foes at last were forced to yield.Wisdom and zeal were both in thee combined. -Thine was a…

Ah! let not aught amiss within disposeA noble mind to practice on herself,And tempt opinion to support the wrongsOf passion: whatsoe'er be felt or feared,From higher judgment-seats make no appealTo lower: can you question that the soulInherits an…

"Bright effluence of bright essence increate! Before the sun, before the heavens, thou wert!" MILTON. I. From the quickened womb of the primal gloom The sun rolled black and bare, Till I wove him a vest for his Ethiop breast, Of the threads of…

Another week's forever gone, With all the years beyond the flood, Yet we are spar'd, this sacred morn, To come, and praise, and learn of God. Parents, and youth, and children dear, In sabbath school we constant meet, Regardless of complexion…

THE broad - the bright - the glorious westIs spread before me now!Where the gray mists of morning restBeneath you mountain's brow:The bound is past - the gaol is won-The region of the setting sunIs open to my view;Land of the valiant and the…

SEXTON! spare that grave, Touch not a single clod! There let the wild grass wave Forever o'er that sod. Sexton! my Mother sleeps In that neglected spot; The willow o'er it weeps; I pray thee touch it not. 'Twas my lov'd Father's hand That…

Dedicated to little George, and other children. MORNING SONG. I. The shades of night are fled, The sun lights up the sky, And I have left my downy bed, To praise the God on high. II. To him my prayers ascend, To him my thanks be given, Him…
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