Browse Items (251 total)

Hail to the land, where the white man breathes free as the air,But the soul-fetter'd black man pours the wail of despair!Where the alter with the flame of Liberty glows,But the Temple's surrounded with Slavery's woes: -Where the light of the…

There is a book, who runs may read, Which heavenly truth imparts, And all the lore its scholars need, Pure eyes and Christian hearts. The works of God above, below, Within us and around, Are pages in that book, to show How God himself is…

Come Home! Would I could send my spirit o'er the deep! Would I could wing it like a bird to thee, To commune with thy thoughts, to fill thy sleep With these unwearying words of melody - Brother, come home! Come Home! Come to the hearts that…

If yon bright stars, which gem the night, Be each a blissful dwelling sphere, Where kindred spirits re-unite, Whom death has torn asunder here; How sweet it were at once to die, And leave this blighted orb afar, Mixt soul and soul to cleave the…

THEY meet once more around the hearth Within their quiet home, Where 'mid their own sweet household mirth Is heard no jarring tone. The lamp sheds down its cheerful light On youth and beauty there, On manhood in his conscious might, On woman,…

And they have spurned thy word, Thou of the old THIRTEEN? Whose soil, where Freedom's blood first poured, Hath yet a darker green? Tread the weak Southron's pride and lust, Thy name and counsels in the dust! And have they closed thy mouth, And…

I've listened to the cold farewell, The careless, short good bye, When not a tear of sadness fell, Or tributary sigh. I've felt the pressure of the hand At parting, 'gainst mine own, - The serving of a happy band That long on love had…

What hear I now? The sacred bells resound,What pious crowd in weeping stand around?For whom this funeral chant? - the flambeau's gloom?O death! is this thy voice that now doth breakUpon mine ear? Oh well! I shall awake Away beyond the tomb. Oh…

Come! rouse ye, brothers, rouse! a peal now breaksFrom lowest island to our gallant lakes:'Tis summoning you, who long in bonds have lain,To stand up manful on the battle plain, -Each as a warrior, with his armor bright,Prepared to battle in a…
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