Browse Items (251 total)

Afar in the Desert I love to rideWith the silent Bush-Boy alone by my side;When the sorrows of life the soul o'ercast,And sick of the Present, I cling to the Past:When the eye is suffused with regretful tears,From the fond recollections of former…

Another year, another year,O! who shall see another year?Shalt thou, old man, of hoary head,Of eye-sight dim, and feeble tread?Expect it not. Time, pain and grief,Have made thee like an autumn leaf,Ready, by blast or self-decay,From its slight hold…

A voice amid the desert! Not of him, Who in rough garments clad, and locust-fed,Cried to the sinful multitude, and claimedFruits of repentance, with the lifted scourgeOf terror and reproof. A milder guide,With gentler tones, doth teach the…

He knelt - the Saviour knelt and prayed, When but his Father's eye Looked through the lonely garden's shade, On that dread agony! The Lord of all, above, beneath, Was bowed with sorrow unto death. The sun set in a fearful hour, The skies might…

We walked by the side of the tranquil stream,That the sun had tinged with his parting beam,The water was still, and so crystal clear,That every spray had its image there.And every reed that o'er it bowed,And the crimson streak, and the silvery…

Come Home! Would I could send my spirit o'er the deep! Would I could wing it like a bird to thee, To commune with thy thoughts, to fill thy sleep With these unwearying words of melody - Brother, come home! Come Home! Come to the hearts that…

Come to me, gentle Sleep! I pine, I pine for thee! Come with thy spells, the soft, the deep, And set my spirit free! Each lonely burning thought In twilight languor steep; Come to the full heart, long o'er wrought, O! gentle, gentle…

Roll on thou joyful day, When tyranny's proud sway Stern as the grave, Shall to the grave be hurled, And freedom's flag unfurled,Shall wave throughout the world, O'er every slave. Trump of glad jubilee; Echo o'er land and sea, Freedom for…

'Gentlest of spirits! - not for thee Our tears are shed, our sighs are given: Why mourn to know thou art a free Partaker of the joys of heaven? Finished thy work, and kept thy faith In Christian firmness unto death: And beautiful as sky and…

God gave to Afric's sons A brow of sable dye, And spread the country of their birth Beneath a burning sky; And with a cheek of olive, made The little Hindoo child, And darkly stain'd the forest tribes That roam our Western wild. To me he gave…
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