Browse Items (251 total)

The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved. Jeremiah viii. 20. -----Praise to the God of harvest! praise!Who sent the blessed sunshine days,The early and the latter rain,The flower, the fruit, the waving grain.The vintage songs…

"Not by the lion's paw, the serpent's tooth, By sudden sun-stroke, or by slow decay, War, famine, plague, meek messenger of truth, Wert thou arrested on thy pilgrim way. "The sultry whirlwind spared thee in its wrath; The lightning flashed…

I saw the young bride, in her beauty and pride, Bedecked in her snowy array, And the bright flush of joy mantled high on her cheek, And the future looked blooming and gay; And with woman's devotion she laid her fond heart At the shrine of…

I saw him in the bloom of youth, Ere he had felt affliction's rod; He spurned the sacred book of truth, The glorious gospel of our God; And scorn'd the Almighty Power above, Whose eye creation's scope may scan; And read the source of hate or…

Again, and oft again, thine image breaks Upon the solitude of silent thought; And ever as that blessed vision wakes, With such a tide of holy memories fraught, Earth, sense, and time fade from my spirit's sight, And heaven unbars her gates of…

"A star that sheds its mild control,Brightest when grief's dark cloud surrounds it;And pours a soft pervading ray,Life's ills can never chase away."

Father, guide me! Day declines,Hollow winds are in the pines;Darkly waves each giant boughO'er the sky's last crimson glow;Hush'd is now the convent's bell,Which erewhile with breezy swell,From the purple mountains boreGreeting to the…

We entered noiselessly, - our spirits quelled,Our passions hushed to quietude: there stoleO'er us a kind of awe, a solemn, deep,And softening emotion; o'er our soulsThe tide unbidden swept; 't was sweet, and yetIt saddened with a sadness which it…

I. Shrink not, Christian, from the strife; See! the flag that floats above: Banner broad and dyed in blood; - Stern its motto? No! 't is love! - II. From the steep of Calvary, By a Saviour's hand unfurled: By the King of kings flung out For…

There is a book, who runs may read, Which heavenly truth imparts, And all the lore its scholars need, Pure eyes and Christian hearts. The works of God above, below, Within us and around, Are pages in that book, to show How God himself is…
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