Browse Items (251 total)

There is one bright enchanting spot, Where love and beauty glow, Which oft the glorious grace of God, Hath made a heaven below; And in that covenant-sheltered spot There is a radient gem, More precious far than ocean pearls, Or empire's…

Away from home my love, my wife! How slow the lingering moments roll! Nature with every charm is rife, And Autumn casts her solemn stole O'er glem and mountain, wood and plain. But home has charms of stronger spell, And voices which I feel…

"A star that sheds its mild control,Brightest when grief's dark cloud surrounds it;And pours a soft pervading ray,Life's ills can never chase away."

I asked the charmer, HOPE, to stay,And chase my hov'ring fears away;She faintly smil'd, and bade me showWhere Hope could rest her foot below.I look'd for strength to build her seat,Uprightness to uphold her feet,My mind display'd her utmost…

"There shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain." --- How beautiful, how beautiful, The land of promised calm, Where Sharon's roses ceaseless bloom, And Gilead's trees of balm; Where every tear is…

Oh, holy Father! just and true, Are all thy works, and words, and ways, And unto Thee alone are due Thanksgiving and eternal praise! As children of thy gracious care, We veil the eye - we bend the knee, With broken words of praise and…

Brethren, - the hour hath come That severs heart from heart, And bids from learning's sacred dome Our pilgrim steps depart. Some to you eastern sphere, Where the dead idols reign, The banner of the cross to rear O'er Falsehood's giant fane;…

Day breaks triumphant o'er the deep And laughs the shades of night away! Onward the waves resplendent sweep, And mountain streams flash back the ray! Then burst from bough and kindling air, A thousand wild enchanting lays; Till forest depth and…

A hymn more, O my lyre! Praise to the God above. Of joy, and life, and love, Sweeping its strings of fire! Oh! who the speed of bird and wind, And sunbeam's glance will lend to me, That soaring upward, I may find My resting-place and home in…

Source of all light and joy and life! Creator of each starry sphere, That o'er me on the arch of night Gleams like a diamond soft and clear; Oh, as I gaze transported now On yonder blue, resplendent dome, Deign but to hear my prayer, that…
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