Browse Items (251 total)

They sing of Freedom! Afric's sons Their notes of joyance sing; And every hill and ever dale With Freedom's echoes ring! All sing - the children at their play, The laborers at their toil, They chant a merry roundelay, And bless the fertile…

Of sorrow and distress;No friend, they say, for them is nigh,They must remain opprest.And will the Christian turn an earOf deafness to their moan!And have they then no kind Friend near,To listen to their groan?Must error's all-enchanting chainFor…

Vain human reason, when 'tis left aloneIs not unlike a bark upon the sea -Useful or useless - ruined or secureOnly as she is guided from within;A thing of power and motion and of grace,But yet an atom when the tempests rise.When all is calm, out on…

I'll ask one simple question - There stands a man created by the GodThat form'd the arch of heaven - that made the sea -The teeming earth, and every living thing,And when his word was done, pronounced it good. God is a righteous God! That man…

Matt. xxv. 35 - 40. A poor, wayfaring man of grief Hath often crossed me on my way, Who sued so humbly for relief, That I could never answer "Nay." I had not power to ask his name, Whither he went, or whence he came; Yet there was something in…

Hie to the mountain afar, All in the cool of the even, Led by you beautiful star, First of the daughters of Heaven. Sweet to the slave is the season of rest - Something far sweeter he looks for to-night; His heart lies…

"Not by the lion's paw, the serpent's tooth, By sudden sun-stroke, or by slow decay, War, famine, plague, meek messenger of truth, Wert thou arrested on thy pilgrim way. "The sultry whirlwind spared thee in its wrath; The lightning flashed…

The God of harvest praise; In loud thanksgivings, raise Hand, heart, and voice; The valleys laugh and sing, Forests and mountains ring, The plains their tribute bring, The streams rejoice. Of food for man and beast, Jehovah spreads a…

Here Jubal paused; for grim before him lay,Crouched like a lion watching for his prey,With blood-red eye of fascinating fire,Fix'd like the gazing serpent's, on the lyre,An awful form, that through the gloom appear'd,Half-brute, half-human; whose…

Again, and oft again, thine image breaks Upon the solitude of silent thought; And ever as that blessed vision wakes, With such a tide of holy memories fraught, Earth, sense, and time fade from my spirit's sight, And heaven unbars her gates of…
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