Browse Items (251 total)

GEN. xiv. 3. The sons of Jacob, sinful men, Stood before Egypt's lord; And guilt and fear were working here, Keen as a two edged sword, Within their bosoms whilst they thought Of what their bloody hands had wrought. They thought of Joseph.…

I've thrown the bowl aside. For me no more shall flow Its rudder stream or sparkling tide, How bright so o'er it glow; I've seen extending wide Its devastating away, Seen reason yield its power to guide - I've cast the bowl away! O, ne'er…

WAY-WORN pilgrim, child of fears,Cease thy sorrows, dry thy tears,Earth has pierced thee; - left aloneUrge to heaven that bitter moan.Pilgrim, wanderer, though thou be,Heaven shall soothe thy agony;Soon that pulse shall throb no more;But Heaven has…

O people beloved, Wide scattered of old, Come back to the vineyard, Come back to the fold. Build up the waste places The altars of prayer, In the land of your fathers, For thy Bethel is there. From the south, oh ye chosen, From the east and…

Sion, thine eye beheld and wept too late O'er tower and temple crumbling in decay, The crashing column and the falling gate; - And saw the deadly paleness of dismay The faces of they trembling priests' array, And high-born maids and matrons…

I. Of all my race there breathes not one To comfort or deplore me; Pain wakes a pulse in every bone, And death is closing o'er me. Still doth his lifter stroke delay, Protracted tortures dooming, I feel, ere life has pass'd away, His very…

Joy to Queen Victoria, Queen and ruler o'er us! Let the soaring music Rise in mighty chorus! God save Queen Victoria! England's young Victoria; May her motto ever be, "Pax libertas, Gloria!" Wisdom be her counselor; Truth her queenly glory!…

"Twas sunset upon Spain. The sky of JuneBent o'er her airy hills, and on their tops,The mountain cork-trees caught the fading lightOf a resplendent day. The painter threwHis pencil down, and with a glance of prideUpon his beautiful and finished…

Delightful spot! sweet resting place, Where weary ones may lay their head; Where Beauty lifts her rosy face Around the tomb, and o'er the dead: - Proclaiming that the gentle thoughts Of love and friendship here may thrill: That reverent memory…

Heard ye the whisper of the breeze, As soft it murmured by, Amid the shadowy forest trees? It tells, with meaning sigh, Of the bowers of bliss on that viewless shore, Where the weary spirit shall sin no more. While sweet and low in crystal…
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