Browse Items (251 total)

The king of day's proud course was done; His fire grew red, and dim, and soon We parted with the glorious sun, To welcome in the silvery moon; The starts shed down their lustrous light Upon the face of earth serene - The bright, majestic queen…

If I had thought thou could'st have died, I might not weep for thee! But I forget, when by thy side, That thou could'st mortal be. It never through my mind had pass'd, The time would e'er be o'er, And I on thee should look my last, And thou…

Is this the land our fathers loved? The freedom which they toiled to wine? Is this the soil whereon they moved? Are these the graves they slumber in? Are we the dons by whom is borne The mantle which the dead have worn? And shall we crouch above…

Now, wife and children, let's be gay,My work is done, and here's the pay:"Twas hard to earn, but never mind it,Hope rear'd the sheaf, and peace shall bind it!Six days I've toiled, and now we meetTo share the welcome weekly treatOf toast and tea, of…

A truly affecting and instructive incident, which can hardly fail to come home to one's bosom with salutary force."Mother," said a little sick son, about four years of age, "will you pray? - I can't say 'Our Father' now."----Pray, mother, pray, for…

COLUMBIA'S Eagle claps her wings, Our banner proudly waves; Still southern breezes onward bear, The shrieks of fettered slaves. The stripes, the chains of Afric's sons Have writ a fearful doom; Hark! even now they chant the dirge, O'er buried…

O! whither art thou gone my child,
My one, my dear lost one from me?
O! would that I, to thee could fly,
And on thee cast my wishful eye;
My one, my own, my darling boy.

What fiend in human form, could dare
The power of God, and from me…

The sun is gone; and clouds of gold,As banners on the breeze unrolled,Crowned with imperial purple, rise;And light, as calm as India's skies,Gilds nature; aye, a holier ray,Purer and kindlier than day - As if a gleam from Heaven, Bursting the…

Perched on a rock, I proudly gaze Upon the world below; A broad champing before me lies. Where streams like brooklets flow The tree is dwindled to the shrub, The palace to the shed; Man to a speck--small as the grub Crushed 'neath his…

"A star that sheds its mild control,Brightest when grief's dark cloud surrounds it;And pours a soft pervading ray,Life's ills can never chase away."
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