Browse Items (12 total)

Finished now the weary throbbing, Of a bosom calmed to rest; Laid aside the heavy sorrows, That for years upon it prest. All the thirst for pure affection, All the hunger of the heart; All the vain and tearful cryings, All forever now…

Slowly o'er his darkened features,Stole the warning shades of death;And we knew the shadowing angelWaited for his parting breath.He had started for his freedom;And his heart beat firm and high--But before he won the guerdon,Came the message--he must…

"In heaven, the angels are advancing continually to the spring-time of their youth, so that the oldest angel appears the youngest." -- Swedenborg.Not for them the length-ning shadows, Falling coldly 'round our lives; Nearer, nearer, through the…

A rock for ages stern and high,Stood frowning 'gainst the earth and sky;And never bowed his haughty crest,When angry storms around him prest.Morn springing from the arms of night,Had often bathed his brow with light;And kissed the shadows from his…

Oh harvest sun, serenely shining On waving fields and leafy bowers, On garden wall and latticed vine, Thrown brightly, as in by-gone hours. Oh ye sweet voices of the wind, Wooing our tears, in angel tones; Friends of my youth, shall I not weep? Ye…

The queenly moon an artist seem, And paints, as if with magic touch, The midnight landscapes on the streams, And softens into angel dreams The scenes we love so much. The city, with its sparkling vanes, Like Mercy's fluttering wings, Seem hovering…

The Sabbath day has passed, and night
Her sable mantle over all had spread.
The silent pavement, now deserted quite,
Gave back to mortal ear no echoing tread.
The lordly master and the trembling slave,
The poor, proud youth, who scorns his…

The royal casket fair. Hath ne'er a jewel rare From tropics brought, That we could e'er compare With gems of thought. Such gems as glow and glow, Ia beauty everymore: Upon each page; Whose earnest lines doth show Poet and sage. Sent on its mission…

Oh! dreadful, crushing thought, that grinds itselfInto the soul of him, who knows and feels, He bears a name, whose mention will debar Him from all right. It indicates no crime-- Fixes upon the soul no stain of sin, And from the exalted character of…

"Watchman, what of the night?" The storm has begun, the thunders are pealing, The lightning of truth, like the stern flashing eye Of Justice, that sleeps not, of vengeance unfeeling Are bursting from clouds in their conflict on high; The winds of…
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