Browse Items (213 total)

I weep for thee! Thy miseries, Though unspoken, deeply felt— More deeply felt because unbreathed— A sister's heart may melt. I weep for thee, whose gen'rous love Has blessed and sheltered me; I weep for thee—may God above In mercy look on…

The trembling dew-drops fall Upon the shutting flowers; like souls at rest, The stars shine gloriously; and all Save me, are blest. Mother, I love thy grave, The violet, with its blossoms blue and mild, Waves o'er thy head; when shall it…

Yes, down into the tomb!—Down, down I say,To its dark depths!I do not fear its gloom,And for its shelterEarnestly I pray.The world is hideous—Heaven seems afar;Despair o'ershadows me;Its darkness to dispel,Hope has no kindly star.Ah, me! how frailAre…

To music's sweet measure in couples they whirl,Tattooing the floor as they circle and curl;The toes of the ladies go tippity-tip,The heels of the gentlemen rippity-rip,All making a Babel of noise by their jumps,Like hoppity, skippity, thumpity…

Nothing is our own, we hold our pleasures Just a little while 'ere they are fled; One by one life robs us of our treasures; Nothing is our own except our dead. They are ours, and hold in faithful keeping, Safe forever, all they took away; Cruel…

Dr. John Pierpont, at the Boston Anti-Slavery Fair, in 1842, being asked for his autograph, hastily dashed off the following:Our tobacco they plant, andour cotton they pick And our rice they can harvest and thrash; They feed us in health and they…

Dr. John Pierpont, at the Boston Anti-Slavery Fair, in 1842, being asked for his autograph, hastily dashed off the following:Onemouth andoneback to two hands is the law That the hand of his Maker has stamped upon man; But Slavery lays on God's…

No seas again shall sever, No desert intervene; No deep and rolling river Shall roll its tide between. No bleak cliffs upward tow'ring Shall bound our eager sight; No tempest darkly lowering, Shall warp us in its night. Love, and unsevered…

Mildly judge ye of each other— Be to condemnation slow; The very best have got their failings, Something good the worst can show. The brilliant sun hath spots of darkness On his radiant front, they say, And the clock that never goeth Speaks…

The Sabbath morning breaks upon the earth, And toiling millions hail the blessed day— The one of all that gives them sweet repose From cares and toils that e'er beset life's way. The sun, uprising, tints the eastern sky, And bathes the earth in…
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