Browse Items (213 total)

The world is half-darkened with the croakers, Whose burdens are weighing them down; They croak of their stars and ill-usage. And grope in the ditch for a crown. Why talk to the wind of thy fortune, Or clutch at distinction and gold? If thou…

Be gentle, there are hours when he By anxious care is tossed, And shadows deep lie on his brow, By business trials crossed. Be gentle, 'tis for you he toils, And thinks, and strives to gain Home comforts and home happiness; Don't let him…

I saw my darling in calm slumber lying, His still, pale face so beautiful in death; So like sweet sleep, that, hushed from tears and sighting, I looked and listened to his gentle breath. His little hands, so white and thin, were folded, Clasping…

What need of all this fuss and strife, Each warring with his brother? Why should we, in the crowd of life, Keep trampling down each other? Is there no goal that can be won, Without a squeeze to gain it— No other way of getting on But…

The camp has had its day of song; The sword, the bayonet, the plume, Have crowded out of song too long The plow, the anvil, and the loom Oh! not upon our tented fields Are freedom's heroes bred alone; The training of the workshop yields More…

Wide over the tremulous sea The moon spread her mantle of light, And the gale, gently dying away, Breathed soft on the bosom of night. By the sea-side a panting slave stood, And poured forth his pitiful tale; His tears were unseen in the…

Though swiftly Time, with rapid wings, Has borne us from old scenes we knew, Yet memory oft the picture brings In glowing colors back to view; Thus early friends remember when They first as schoolboys met in play, And yet, though years have…

Give! as the morning that flows out of heaven;Give! as the waves when their channel is riven;Give! as the free air and sunshine are given; Lavishly, utterly, carelessly give! Not the waste drops of thy cup overflowing,—Not the faint sparks of thy…

Give us the nerves of steel, And the arm of fearless might, And the strength of will that is ready still To battle for the right. Give us the eye to weep That honest tear of feeling, That shuts not down for the world's dread frown, The genuine…

[cut off from scans] To quench this [?] thirst within? Here on this cursed bed I lie, And cannot get one drop of gin! I ask not health, not even life— Life! what a curse it's been to me! I'd rather sink in deepest hell, Than drink again its…
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