Browse Items (213 total)

A gallant craft is on the sea, The breeze is fresh and fair; And ganner's brave are waving free As autumn leaves in fall. The veteran Godey leads the way, With Bonner following near; And Harper strives to win the day, So bravely does he…

Think gently of the erring— Ye know not of the power With which the dark temptation came In some unguarded hour. Ye may not know how earnestly They struggled, or how well, Until the hour of weaknes came, And sadly thus they fell. Think gently…

"E. Pluribus Unum."The father, mother, daughter son,A precious many all in one—A sacredOne, of many made,To which should homage true be paid.Upon them shine the sun of peace,Nor o'er its holy beaming cease,As halo-life they circle roundThe hearth…

The following beautiful lines are by James Russel Lowell, though not included in the latest edition of his works: The snow had begun in the gloaming, And busily all the night Had been heaping field and highway With a silence deep and white. Every…

From the earth thy spirit hath flow, Far beyond the etherial blue; True the clods of the vale o'er thy body we cast, But thy spirit the grave did eschew. To the city of God it hath flown, Where sin and disease never come, Where sighing and…

Restore the Fugitive! Ay, whenThe Son of Gods descends again And bids me never more to do As I would fain be done unto. Restore the Fugitive! I willWhen God's own voice in man is still, And wrong is right by God's decree, And light and air no…

Scatter the germs of the beautiful, By the wayside let them fall, That the rose may spring by the cottage, And the vine by the garden wall; Cover the rough and the rude ofearth With a veil of leaves and flowers, And mark with the opening bud…

This incident is related of George III., who, being on a hunting excursion with a party of his nobles, was met by a poor child who had vainly sought to obtain the services of a clergyman for her dying mother. He accompanied her to the spot where the…

"When he went from the jail to the gallows, he stooped to kiss a colored child that stood near."The following lines were written by Mrs. Lydia Maria Child, and sung at the Music Hall, on the twenty-sixth National Anti-Slavery…

Thro' centuries enslaved, They wore its heavy yoke: No arm for freedom braved, No warning prophet spoke. Content to boil their evil day Beneath the tyrant's iron sway. Where is the promised aid To Jacob's offspring given? Hath God, the Father,…
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