Browse Items (213 total)

"Suffer little children to cmoe to unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of heaven."They are going—only going— Jesus called them long ago; All the wintry time they're passing Softly as the falling snow. When the violets in the…

"Not to myself alone,"The little opening flower transportd cries;"Not to myself alone I bud and bloom;With fragrant breath the breezes I perfume,And gladden all things with my rainbow dyes.The bee comes sipping, every eventide,His dainty fill;The…

If in the silence of this lonely eve, With the street-lamp pale-flickering on the wall, A spirit were to say to me—"Believe, Thou shalt be answered. Call!"—Whom should I call? And when I were to see thee gliding in With thy pale robes (that in…

This incident is related of George III., who, being on a hunting excursion with a party of his nobles, was met by a poor child who had vainly sought to obtain the services of a clergyman for her dying mother. He accompanied her to the spot where the…

Up, up, and be stirring! there's much to be done;There's a fight to be fought, there's a field to be won.'TIs a field that is guiltless of tears or of blood,That is fruitful of blessings, and potent for good. So, up and be stirring! Up, up, and be…

The mildest, prettiest little girl— Ah! woe is me!— Who ever wore her hair in curl, Was Rosalie. Her hazel eyes and hair of jet I put in rhyme; I loved her from the hour we met— O, happy time. On day I asked her, "Wi't thou wed?" Assent she…

Let us say be cheerful, Whatsoe'er betide: Life is not all tearful— There's a sunny side. Vernal zephyr's banish Winter's frosts afar; Midnight's specters vanish With the morning star. Every deep depression, With its chills and blights, Has…

Our children! O, those magic words, They vibrate through the frame As if the chords of life were touched, And sacred music came. Our children! though but simple words, Yet peace and joy impart; They serve us as a link to bind Hope's rainbow…

"Carry me across!" The Syrian heard, rose up, and braced His huge limbs to the accustomed toil;"My child, see how the waters boil!The nights-black heavens look angry-faced; But life is little loss. "I'll carry thee with joy, If needs…

I love it—I love it—the laugh of a child,Now rippling and gentle, now merry and wild,Ringing out on the air with its innocent gush,Like the thrill of a bird at the twilight's soft hush;Floating off on the breeze like the tones of a bell,Or the music…
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