Browse Items (213 total)

Hush! let the baby sleep! Mark her hand so white and slender,Note her red lip, full and tender,And her breathing, like the motionWhich the waves of calmest ocean In their peaceful throbbing keep. Hush! let the baby rest! Who would wake from…

What might be done if men were wise— What glorious deeds, my suffering brother, Would they unite, In love and right, And cease their scorn of one another? Oppression's heart might be imbued With kindling drops of loving kindness; And knowledge…

Who lags from dread of daily toil And his appointed task would shirk, Commits a folly and a crime; A soulless slave, A paltry knave, A clog upon the wheels of time. With work to do, and stores of health, The man's unworthy to be free Who will…

Do something for each other— Though small the help may be; There's comfort oft in little things, Far more than others see! It takes the sorrow from the eye, It leaves the world less bare, If but a friendly hand come nigh When friendly hands…

'Tis well to have a merry heart, However short we stay; There's wisdom in a merry heart, Whate'er the world may say! Philosophy may lift its head, And find out many a flaw, But give me that philosophy That's happy with a straw! If life but…

In the clear air of this vernal morn, Azure above and crystal below. Ere the full glory of day is born, And shadows melt in its rosy glow, Wrapped in a billowy warp and woof— The smoke of our household incense—stands A fair white angel over the…

My God! is any hour so sweet, From blush of morn to evening star, As that which calls me to Thy feet, The hour of prayer? Blest is that tranquil hour of morn, And blest that hour of solemn eve, When on the wings of prayer upborne, The world I…

Stand firm, John Brown, till your fate is o'er, For the world, with an anxious eye, Looks on as it seldom loked before, As the hour of your doom draws night. Stand firm, John Brown! Dread not the blow that a coward deals, And fear not the…

[At a recent slave sale, in one of the Southern states, the auctioneer, in a drunken humor, guaranteed the Christianity of the negro upon the block, and offered to sell him by the pound.] He can mow and how, and shovel and dig, And team, and lower,…

Rear on high the scaffold-altar! all the world will turn to see.How a man has dared to suffer that his brothers may be free!Rear it on some hill-side looking north and south and east and westWhere the wind from every quarter fresh may blow upon his…
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