Browse Items (213 total)

I saw my darling in calm slumber lying, His still, pale face so beautiful in death; So like sweet sleep, that, hushed from tears and sighting, I looked and listened to his gentle breath. His little hands, so white and thin, were folded, Clasping…

Beyond the smiling and the weeping, I shall be soon; Beyond the waking and the sleeping, I shall be soon; Love, rest, and home, Sweet home! Lord, tarry not, but come. Beyond the blooming and the fading, I shall be soon; Beyond the…

One year ago—a ringing voice, A clear blue eye, And clustering curls of sunny hair; Too fair to die! Only a year—no voice, no smile, No glance of eye, No clustering curls of golden hair, Fair but to die! One year ago—what loves, what…

The following beautiful lines are by James Russel Lowell, though not included in the latest edition of his works: The snow had begun in the gloaming, And busily all the night Had been heaping field and highway With a silence deep and white. Every…

What need of all this fuss and strife, Each warring with his brother? Why should we, in the crowd of life, Keep trampling down each other? Is there no goal that can be won, Without a squeeze to gain it— No other way of getting on But…

Philanthropist. Wearing pedestrian, where are you goingBundle in one hand, and bandbox in t'other? Irish Help. Going to seek a new place, if you plase, sir—Sad is my heart, though my feeling I smother Philanthropist. Yes, in your face I see…

Thank God for little children! Bright flowers by earth's wayside, The dancing, joyous life-boats Upon life's stormy tide! Thank God for little children! When our skies are cold and gray, They steal as sunshine in our hearts, And steal our…

Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky, The flying clouds, the frostly light; The Year is dying in the night, Ring out, wild bells, and let him die. Ring out the old, ring in the new; Ring, happy bells, across the snow; The Year is going, let it…

A SOUTH AFRICAN BORDER BALLAD.--- A TRUE STORY. ---BY THOMAS PRINGE,A noble-hearted Scotchman, who resided some time in South Africa. We met in the midst of the Neutral Ground,'Mong the hills where the buffalo's haunts are found;And we joined in…

"E. Pluribus Unum."The father, mother, daughter son,A precious many all in one—A sacredOne, of many made,To which should homage true be paid.Upon them shine the sun of peace,Nor o'er its holy beaming cease,As halo-life they circle roundThe hearth…
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