Browse Items (213 total)

"When he went from the jail to the gallows, he stooped to kiss a colored child that stood near."The following lines were written by Mrs. Lydia Maria Child, and sung at the Music Hall, on the twenty-sixth National Anti-Slavery…

Philanthropist. Wearing pedestrian, where are you goingBundle in one hand, and bandbox in t'other? Irish Help. Going to seek a new place, if you plase, sir—Sad is my heart, though my feeling I smother Philanthropist. Yes, in your face I see…

I'll think of thee when morn's first flush, Shall stream its glittering rays on high, Of thee, when twilight's crimson flush Shall spread and kiss the eastern sky,— I'll think of thee in gloomiest hours, And in the spring time's brightest…

No blots on the banner of Light! No Slaves in the land of the Free! No Wrong should be rampant where all should be Right, No sin that is shameful to see! America,—show the wide world in thy strength How sternly determined thou art To cut from…

A gallant craft is on the sea, The breeze is fresh and fair; And ganner's brave are waving free As autumn leaves in fall. The veteran Godey leads the way, With Bonner following near; And Harper strives to win the day, So bravely does he…

Thy work is done, thy toiling ceased,And from thy cares thou seekest rest;Thou hast done well, a race wll bless,And heavn reward thy faithfulness.Thy voice was heard for human right,Thy heart grew strong and spent its mightFor human weal. Thy beacon…

I weep for thee! Thy miseries, Though unspoken, deeply felt— More deeply felt because unbreathed— A sister's heart may melt. I weep for thee, whose gen'rous love Has blessed and sheltered me; I weep for thee—may God above In mercy look on…

Yes, down into the tomb!—Down, down I say,To its dark depths!I do not fear its gloom,And for its shelterEarnestly I pray.The world is hideous—Heaven seems afar;Despair o'ershadows me;Its darkness to dispel,Hope has no kindly star.Ah, me! how frailAre…

O! dreadful, crushing thought, that grinds itselfInto the soul of him who knows and feelsHe bears a name whose mention will debarHim from all right. It indicates no crime—Fixes upon the soul no stain of sin—And from the exalted character of manTakes…

From the earth thy spirit hath flow, Far beyond the etherial blue; True the clods of the vale o'er thy body we cast, But thy spirit the grave did eschew. To the city of God it hath flown, Where sin and disease never come, Where sighing and…
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