Browse Items (752 total)

"Tribe of the wandering foot and weary breast, When shalt thou flee away and be at rest?" BYRON. ---Thou art fallen, O Israel! thou art scattered abroad,From the home of thy sires, by the hand of thy God;Once the honor'd the cherish'd the chosen…

Hail glorious day, of heavenly birth,A sacred day to moral worth,A day which is our God's alone,A day we cannot call our own.A day on which we should not say,Or do what we would every day -From worldly bus'ness should refrain,And seek for more…

A gentle, holy quiet rests Upon her heavenly face, And on her forehead, fair and smooth, Dwells not an angry trace! No wrinkle there of discontent, Or anxious care is seen; But peace sits smiling on that brow, All polished and serene. The…

If the following be not merely `Fancy's Sketch,' it is at least to be hoped that the `Palace' of the fair original who sat for the picture, rears its cobwebbed ceilings in some far distant land.Give me one ounce of civit, good apothecary,To sweeten…

Night unfurled her sable banner, gemmed with many a starry ray;Silence, too, her gentle sister followed where the shadows lay; Weary men were calmly sleeping, men who in the conflict dire, Through the anxious hours of daylight wrought with hearts of…

Kiss the Son, the promis'd child, Oh! hail him, long foretold! He comes to earth, in mercy mild, A richer gift than gold. Kiss the Son, the babe most sweet! Who from the realms above; In transport left his jasper seat, With purposes of love. Kiss the…

How sweet the pensive hour of even, When Nature sinking to repose, Robed in the loveliest dies of Heaven, Around her glowing shadow throws. Yon Golden cloud, arrayed in beauty, So richly tinged with every hue, What artist's skill can ever…

Sweet little flower, thy bloom is fled, Thy tender leaves are pale and dead, And scatter'd, (once so rosy red,) O'er the cold tomb. Around thee now in vain may beam The summer's ray, or winter's gleam; No sun can pierce the slumberer's dream, In…

Give! as the morning that flows out of heaven;Give! as the waves when their channel is riven;Give! as the free air and sunshine are given; Lavishly, utterly, joyfully give. Not the waste drops of thy cup overflowing,Not the faint sparks of thy…

When Israel was in Egypt's land, O, Let my people go! Oppressed so hard they could not stand, O, Let my people go! CHORUS—O go down, Moses Away down to Egypt's land. And tell king Pharaoh To let my people go! Thus saith the Lord, bold Moses…
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