Browse Items (752 total)

A traveler through a dusty road Strewed acorns on the lea; And one took root and sprouted up, And grew into a tree. Love sought its shade at evening time, To breathe its early vows, And Age was pleased, in heats of noon, To bask beneath its…

"Did not I weep for him that was in trouble? was not my soul grieved for the poor?" There was a day I never sigh'd; There was a time I gladly sung: Oh, how I wish that I had died, When mind was pure and form was young. If I were well, a father…

I've listened to the cold farewell, The careless, short good bye, When not a tear of sadness fell, Or tributary sigh. I've felt the pressure of the hand At parting, 'gainst mine own, - The serving of a happy band That long on love had…

Indeed! this permission is worthy of praise:You'll allow our dark brother to ride—if he pays,Though, of course, we must seat him aloof and afar—Swart night from blonde day has a separate car!—On this "social distinction" no jeers I would call,The…

What hear I now? The sacred bells resound,What pious crowd in weeping stand around?For whom this funeral chant? - the flambeau's gloom?O death! is this thy voice that now doth breakUpon mine ear? Oh well! I shall awake Away beyond the tomb. Oh…

Come! rouse ye, brothers, rouse! a peal now breaksFrom lowest island to our gallant lakes:'Tis summoning you, who long in bonds have lain,To stand up manful on the battle plain, -Each as a warrior, with his armor bright,Prepared to battle in a…

It is unnatural, we learn by sight, For things to sorrow long. Philosophy, Whose ken is clear, does prove us this. Still night, Which sits, so frequent weeping that the eye Of twilight should neglect her, - scorns to sigh, So soon as wooers…

There is no peculiarity of my native New England I miss so much as the roaring of the sea. Extract from a Letter. The roaring sea - the roaring sea! How would my heart rejoice To pace again its sandy shores, To hear its thunder voice! I pine to…

He told me I was fair as morn,Mine eyes were bright as stars of even;In fine, that I was seraph born,Could make his lot an earthly heaven.I lov'd him well albeit I might,Have deem'd his praise as vainly offer'd;I thought him true with fond…
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